google music update


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2012
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I like the new look of google music, I've been waiting for it to improve enough that i won't need player pro, but there is one thing player pro offers that keeps me coming back. I need the ability to edit album info and album/artist pictures. I don't know why google music, and moto's my music keep me from doing this, seems like a pretty simple feature. Am i missing something?
I like the new look of google music, I've been waiting for it to improve enough that i won't need player pro, but there is one thing player pro offers that keeps me coming back. I need the ability to edit album info and album/artist pictures. I don't know why google music, and moto's my music keep me from doing this, seems like a pretty simple feature. Am i missing something?

You can edit album info like artist pictures if you go to your music online. Sometimes I have to do it this way because something got mixed up in the upload. From their support article:

[h=2]Editing metadata and album art[/h]

By default, Google Play will keep the metadata and album art embedded within your music files. If album art for a file is appearing in your iTunes library but is not appearing when added to Google Play this is likely because the album art was added by iTunes and was not embedded in your original music file.
You can quickly edit multiple songs when using your computer to access Google Play. Select a song, hold down the 'Shift' key and select another song in the list to select a range of songs. To multi-select individual songs throughout the list, hold down the 'Ctrl' (Windows) or 'Command' (Mac) key while selecting. Once selected, you can edit metadata for all of the selected songs at the same time.
Editing album metadata and art:
  1. Visit the Google Play web player from your computer (metadata can't currently be edited from within the Android application)
  2. Select an album
  3. Click MORE in the upper righthand corner of the screen
  4. Select Edit album info
From here, you can change the text in any of the album's metadata fields, or click 'Change' beneath the album art and select an image of your choosing.
Editing song metadata and art:
  1. Visit the Google Play web player from your computer (metadata can't currently be edited from within the Android application)
  2. Select an album or playlist
  3. Click MORE in the upper righthand corner of the screen
  4. Click Edit song info
From here, you can change the text in any of the song's metadata fields, or click 'Change' beneath the album art and select an image of your choosing.
Thanks sally, for the very well laid out explanation, but i actually was only interested in editing my on devise music. All my online music is fine.
I think that since the paradigm of GM and Motocast music is that you stream your music, they figure you will edit your music info at its source : online or your pc. So that's probably why the tools to edit aren't in the app.
SallyC said:
I think that since the paradigm of GM and Motocast music is that you stream your music, they figure you will edit your music info at its source : online or your pc. So that's probably why the tools to edit aren't in the app.

Yeah, i can understand that their focus is on streaming, but you'd think it an environment where carriers are forcing people to become more and more stingy with their data they would want to add tools for local music as well. Not that i claim to know much about app development, but it just doesn't seem that complicated that they couldn't add those small features that would certainly make my music experience a lot nicer. I'm tired of needing 3 different music players to meet all my needs.
The other thing i really need for either stock player to be an option for me is lock screen controls. I know moto has the widget that pops up, but player pro lets me skip tracks by holding the volume keys. That's a pretty sweet feature if it's at night and you don't wanna look at the screen, or if it's in your pocket. You can also skip tracks with the button on headphones if they have one
I want to like Google music so bad, but it is not for the music lover. It basically asks you to live with the bare minimum. Why? Music players have been around for ever. People keep talking about the streaming, but why does streaming capability mean gutting features that every music player on the market has had for years. Most people do not stream because most people do not have unlimited data and battery life to spare. They finally have lockscreen controls, notification controls, and a decent interface with album art throughout, whoopee they were freakin ubiquitous! The most anemic music widget imaginable decides to sacrifice a back button for a "like" button. Really? I think I like all my own music. This is simply so google can build a profile on you in its google+ database. Fine. everyone needs to get paid, but do they have to do that in lieu of a back button? Let me understand this correctly. I like this music so much that I want to tell the world about it, but I do not want to hear it again. It still doesn't let you choose where to save your music. Ahh why did I buy a big SD card? Gap-less playback anyone? Have they heard of MIXTAPES? My wife with her iPhone laughs at me for having to spend 5 dollars to get basic music features. I have duplicates everywhere because I load music to the SD card that google music will not load to. Isn't the SD card where you want to put your music? People complain about manufacturer add-ons, but there is no way a manufacturer could allow any previous version of Google music players to be the only music player on their phone. Normal non-forum geeks like us expect every feature I mentioned to be there already. Sorry for the rant but I am frustrated that a technology company like Google is taking years to refine music player. As a result I have to have 3 players on my device: manufacturer stock (can't delete), PowerAMP(local full featured) , and Music (streaming). Again, my wife just laughs at me.
Very well said! This is a big problem for music lovers! I have 3500 songs on my phone! I want the features i need to enjoy it properly. And how hard can it be to know what features a music player should have? Have people at google ever seen an mp3 player? Every 50 dollar piece of junk at Walmart is more fully featured than my 600 dollar RAZR without a third app. Come on google!
I think everyone here is missing the point of Google's Music Player. It is meant to give you access to your music that you may not have on your phone or allow you to sync some music wirelessly. Also, it allows you to stream your entire library you've uploaded to their servers (though now-a-days, constant streaming may not be ideal). It is not built for "music lovers" and by design, it cannot nor will not be.

You need to keep in mind that when comparing the music functionality of an Android phone to and iPhone, you are comparing oranges to grapefruits. At its core, the iPhone was designed from the iPod, it already had its musical infrastructure built, so they just integrated the phone/internet (alright, I may be over simplifying this) aspect of it. Sure iTunes may be better suited for what you want to do, but realize that with Play Music you don't need to have a large application on your computer to handle your library. Google uses a small program that will upload your music to your online drive.

So again, by design, its not meant for you to be able to change where the music is stored or even store mass quantities of music. This would simply not fit the whole streaming/cloud method behind it.

That all being said, I wouldn’t wait around for these features. Your best bet is to find a 3rd party app and stick with it. If you wanted a premium music player, then you should have gotten an iPhone or MP3 player (though I have never used an iPhone so I can't speak on the ease of use or the file manipulation aspect of it).

Its not broken, it works the way it was designed and designed for its purpose.

(Note: I do not work for Google. This is all just my interpretation base off of my knowledge of software development/programming.)
If you are looking for something a bit different check out n7player on the market. It has a good multi-touch pinch to zoom interface. It also has done a better job downloading album and artist art than the others I've used.
I gave the new google music update a try but I still don't like it. It still plays every mp3 file on my phone (including podcasts, ringtones, ect.)

I'm just used to my iPod so I use the bTunes player app, and since my iTunes music is DRM free now I just sync all my playlists and library with iSyncer.
I hate the Google Music App as well. If I have multiple artist with a Greatest Hits CD it groups them all into one CD. I have around 5500 songs on my phone and PlayerPro handles it great. I also use iSyncer to sync the phone with my iTunes playlist. I have to use iTunes on the puter because we have one iPhone, and 2 iPod users in the house.