New Member
Has this happened to anyone else? I used the widget once but then deleted it from the screen. Now the updater for the traffic widget always seems to start itself. I force stop it and it always comes back after some time. I also try to force stop and clear the cache of Google Maps and that will stop it for a while but again it always comes back after some random amount of time. It is eating up my battery. Before all this started I could charge my phone to full, go to sleep and wake up at 99%. Now when I do the same thing it is usually down at least 10%. I have very few apps right now since I just got the phone last month and I have all sync's manual. I have also done the Blockbuster "fix". I am confident that it's this traffic widget update that seems to be updating nothing that is the culprit. Anyone know if there is some way to permanently stop this thing from "updating"?