Google CR-48's shipping again and coming with stickers


Last night when I came home from work I saw the UPS truck in my neighborhood. I waited on the front porch in hopes his next stop would be at my house. He came down my street and ...... KEPT ON GOING! I'm still keeping the faith!
Since me signing up in December...I have been checking my front porch like a sailors wife who lost her husband at see...just waiting for the day he returns...

Cant let go to the hope...that one day my sailor will come home...with stickers now.


that made my day

I *totally* agree! What an eloquent analogy you cast. :):)



Its truly how I feel though...never giving up hope that one day my c4-48 will come home...or a message in a bottle (email from google) but no one has gotten one of those.

Lets keep wishing guys...this homeboy needs one!


I got mine today! :)

Signed up in December, right when they started shipping the first wave.

Can't wait to get home from work.


i got mine a week ago. i totally forgot i signed up for it and then one day a mysterious package showed up at my door and no i have my CR-48! i live in jersey and signed up only once for it back around the end of November.


Well, my hunch was correct. I was lucky enough to recieve a CR-48 Laptop today. Im excited to test this thing & see what it can do!


Congrats and have fun to all that received it!..........I hate all of you!!!!!!!! :)