OK guys decided this would be better served in a separate thread since we will be covering a few roms with the theme.
All apks are installed like non-market apps. Please uninstall previously installed versions from the market.
Unzip goodies folder and copy apk files to your sd card install with root explorer or astro ect...
Beautiful Widget Skins have been uploaded so you can now download from within the app. 2 Super Clocks, 1 Regular Clock, 1 Toggle, and 1 Battery Skin have been added. (1-31-2011)
All apks are installed like non-market apps. Please uninstall previously installed versions from the market.
Unzip goodies folder and copy apk files to your sd card install with root explorer or astro ect...
Beautiful Widget Skins have been uploaded so you can now download from within the app. 2 Super Clocks, 1 Regular Clock, 1 Toggle, and 1 Battery Skin have been added. (1-31-2011)
New Arrival Twitter 2.0 gone Linear!
Apps Included So Far
TweetDeck v1.0.7.1 (Updated 3/16/2011)
Pandora v1.5.4 (updated 2/8/2011)
Facebook v1.5.1 (updated 1/28/2011)
Voice Search
ESPN Score Center (Updated 1/14/2011)
Pandora v1.5.4 (updated 2/8/2011)
Facebook v1.5.1 (updated 1/28/2011)
Voice Search
ESPN Score Center (Updated 1/14/2011)
(Separate zip folder)
HoneyComb Music App
Market App v2.2.11 (Added 1/17/2011) Flash like a Theme
New Moto Music Connected App Themed Linear Direct Download
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