GNex will be my first Droid phone


New Member
Dec 10, 2011
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Hi all, as you can see by my profile I'm a complete and total Droid newbie. Been wanting a droid for a long time, been eligible for an upgrade since Sept 2010, just a little after the Droid X came out (gawd I wanted that phone but they wouldnt let me upgrade early), then there were rumors about a dual core phone in the works. The Bionic was announced but delayed FOREVER, by the time it finally released in Sept 2011 there emerged rumors of a Droid Prime (which turned out to be Nexus). In the meantime there was the X2, TBolt, Charge, Inc2, etc. I figured wth, I'll skip the Bionic and wait a month for the Nexus, which turned out to be 3 months. But now I have it ordered and should get it tomorrow!!
:icon_ lala:

I'm coming from a 3 year old Samsung Omnia SCH-i910 running WinMo Pro 6.1 with SPBMobileShell installed. So you can see what an awesome upgrade this will be for me.
BTW, anyone worried about quality of Samsung devices should know that, at least with the Omnia, they did great. This thing has been dropped, dropped then kicked, dropped into water (submerged for about 1.5 seconds before my cat like reflexes snatched it out), is scratched and dinged and still working great. Sure there are the occasional lock ups that require a battery pull, but hey, not too bad for a device this old.

Anyway, sorry for the long post, just wanted to share my excitement at getting my first Droid device. I will be reading the forums everyday for tips, tweaks, and advice, as well as seeing how everyone else's Gnex experience is. :biggrin:
Congrats! Android romming and theming can become an obsession - which IMO is a lot of the fun of an android device.

And not to knock you down, but technically the Nexus is not a "Droid" device. Yes it is android operating system, but "Droid" devices are a branding done for Verizon, and the Nexus is definitely not a droid branded device. :biggrin:
Opps, my bad. Even tho I'm a newbie I've been lurking on these forums for awhile and knew that the word "Droid" meant a particular branding. I was just being lazy I guess and was using it more generically.

I am looking forward to learning about rooting and romming. For now tho, I'm just going to enjoy the phone in its released form for a couple of weeks and watch for what the Devs come up with.
Welcome to Droid Forums :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I can't imagine what it's like for someone who gets their very first phone this Christmas and it's a Nexus. Just wow. I still remember my old Peanut I got as a hand-me-down.

I know this isn't your first phone... just made me think of that. Welcome to Android.
Thanks everyone!!
I am actually downright giddy (and I'm secure enough in my manhood to admit it) with anticipation of getting this awesome device and being able to start with a true Android OS experience!
Welcome! hope you like it here!
funny, because my upgrade situation was EXACTLY the same as yours, except I was on an OG droid and not some random feature phone. Sad part is I don't have enough money to buy the Nexus... Donations please? xP