GNEX Issue With USB Transferring Files (.zip)


Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
North East Pennsylvania
Hello. Have not posted in some time. I am coming from DROID X and had it all MODDED. Getting used to a few things that are different on the GNEX. One specifically is no support for Mass Storage. So here is my issue:

- I am running Windows XP and have my phone rooted.
- I have downloaded "" (GummyNex to install) on my local PC on the C: Drive
- I have all Samsung Drivers installed
- I plug in my GNEX as a "Media" device and "Camera" device with Debugging turned on. (Tried Both)
- When I attempt to drag and drop the file from my C: Drive to the GNEX I get the below message.

The Gummy_Toro_Release-0.8.1zip file type is not supported on this device. If it is a media file, you may be able to use Windows Media Player to convert the file to a playable type prior to transfer. Do you want to skip this file now?
Skip, Skip All, Cancel

Any of these options I chose cancels the transfer and I can not get it to the Android Device.

Any ideas?
I had the same issue. I do not have a fix, but I do have a work around.
I transfered the file after renaming the file .zip.mp3 then went and removed the .mp3 once on the phone. I believe I used Astro to do the rename.

if there is a fix I would like to know it also
I had the same issue. I do not have a fix, but I do have a work around.
I transfered the file after renaming the file .zip.mp3 then went and removed the .mp3 once on the phone. I believe I used Astro to do the rename.

if there is a fix I would like to know it also

That workaround worked ... thanks you. I cant believe that there are not other people having this....or that there is not a fix. Going to be a pain instalking ROMS etc.
you could always just use adb to push the files to /sdcard/where-ever
I've tried. Can't get it to transfer. See above on issue. Unless you are talking about another way.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I've tried. Can't get it to transfer. See above on issue. Unless you are talking about another way.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I'm taking about adb...and I don't see that you mentioned it... Using the command window on your PC.. And using that too push

"I'll get you my little pretty... And your little dog todo too"
"I don't even have a little dog todo"
you could always just use adb to push the files to /sdcard/where-ever

+1... works with windows and linux..

Adb push /mnt/sdcard/

Easiest way is to type "adb push "
Then drag and drop the file you're trying to push into the terminal, which will include the path to the file.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
I believe win xp doesn't allow to ignore the possibility that it will transfer so rename the .zip to .mp3 and transfer it... then on the phone use a file explorer to rename it to .zip, :) it'll work

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
I upgraded to window media 11. turned the phone off and plugged it in to the usb cord. booted the phone up and now it works. only drawback is every time I do this, it opens windows media player and attempts to sync. Not a big deal for me.
open explorer and my phone is listed as Galaxy Nexus. The sub folder is called internal storage.

works like a charm now without needing to reboot my phone every time I need to move something over
Before I reflashed my rom I was having this trouble on another onewith a lot of different file types, my workaround was I installed swift ftp and transferred my files over wifi using ftp.

But the ultimate fix is just to wipe the device and cache (after backing up your data of course) and reload a new rom on it. Once I did this i haven't had any problems with transferring files via usb.