Gmail Issue


New Member
Dec 28, 2010
Reaction score
UPDATE: I got this figured out!! Turns out I had a filter set up to send emails back and forth from the address. Once I deleted that filter, everything worked out perfectly! Yay!

Hey everyone,
Brand new Droid user here with a strange problem. I just finished my two years with a Blackberry Storm and upgraded to a Droid 2 Global. I love the new phone very much and happy to be free from the Storm.

I've been experiencing a strange issue with Gmail. Every time I receive an email from someone, I get a second email saying that the email couldn't be delivered to my email. Here's an example of what I see in my Gmail:

"Reply to thread 'Hey Everyone'
Droid, postmaster (2)"

When I open the "postmaster" email, I see this:

Your message:
To: [email protected]
Subject: Reply to thread 'Hey everyone'
Sent Date: 28 Dec 2010 06:52:22
has not been delivered to the recipient's BlackBerry Handheld.

So, my question is: how do I get rid of this? I went into Gmail and disabled forwarding, so why would I still have this issue? I only used Gmail on my phone and never once logged into the site.

I hope this is pretty clear...

Thank you so much for your time, patience and help.