About a week ago, I received a text message that was all gibberish. Next day, another one ... then another, etc., etc. Now, I'm getting several of these every day. I'd love to know where they're coming from, whether they are dangerous, and how to make them stop. Anybody have any ideas?
For what it's worth, here's the content of the most recent one:
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For what it's worth, here's the content of the most recent one:
[FONT="]JB_+ùDT2yÖ=cFlÆΔaH_+FøH0 ¿!äFn oL£Iw-æΔoÖ£1ΛlX2bÜ=ÄfE$4thASseK6.Lé LX7oV9Θv-ÄΨpP=#wMØ8h¿ñ£Ψ
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