Getting "not enough space" errors when there is plenty


New Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S4
I'm running stock NC5 with SafeStrap 3.72 installed and getting the oddest problem which presents as not enough space to write into the internal SD card (/storage/emulated/0). A bunch of apps start reporting that they have stopped and clearing cache is only a temporary fix. Multiple disk usage tools and commands (Settings->Storage, df, ES File Explorer, DIskUsage) all show gigabytes of free space on the internal memory, and yet, when this problem crops up, I can't do the simplest thing, e.g.,

> cd /storage/emulated/0
> echo x > xyz

/system/bin/sh: <stdin>[7]: can't create xyz: No space left on device
If I follow with a df command I get:
> df .
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
. 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 4096

I'm a computer engineer, but not an Android developer, so I've researched and tried a bunch of things such as clearing Dalvik cache, using various commands in DU Speed Booster, etc. but every time it's just temporary.

I've concluded this isn't a space issue, at least not in the internal SD card. I'm guessing it's a space problem elsewhere that manifests itself for some reason as errors trying to write the internal SD card.

df output
You can see that nothing is full, especially not /data/media:

System Tuner (terminal)
su (su)

busybox df -h (su)
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 908.7M 140.0K 908.5M 0% /dev
none 908.7M 12.0K 908.7M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 908.7M 0 908.7M 0% /mnt/secure
tmpfs 7.4G 924.3M 6.5G 12% /mnt/secure/asec
7.4G 924.3M 6.5G 12% /mnt/secure/asec
tmpfs 908.7M 0 908.7M 0% /mnt/asec
/dev/block/dm-0 2.0M 632.0K 1.4M 30% /mnt/asec/com.cjb.listmasterpro-1
/dev/block/dm-1 10.0M 8.4M 1.6M 84% /mnt/asec/
/dev/block/dm-2 9.0M 7.2M 1.9M 79% /mnt/asec/ v1_0-19
tmpfs 908.7M 0 908.7M 0% /mnt/obb
2.7G 2.1G 647.6M 76% /system
9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 55% /data
2.0G 39.0M 2.0G 2% /cache
13.4M 4.5M 9.0M 33% /efs
8.8M 4.2M 4.7M 47% /persdata/absolute
86.0M 11.5M 74.4M 13% /firmware
86.0M 49.8M 36.2M 58% /firmware-mdm
/data/container 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 55% /mnt/shell/container
/data/media 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 56% /mnt/shell/emulated
tmpfs 908.7M 0 908.7M 0% /storage/emulated
7.4G 924.3M 6.5G 12% /mnt/media_rw/extSdCard
7.4G 924.3M 6.5G 12% /storage/extSdCard
/data/media 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 56% /storage/emulated/0
/data/media 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 56% /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb
/data/media 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 56% /storage/emulated/legacy
/data/media 9.7G 5.4G 4.3G 56% /storage/emulated/legacy/Android/obb
I thinks its apps, which are causing this problem.
This sounds like an issue with safestrap. It could be an allocation issue when you have plenty of space
I installed SafeStrap after this problem cropped up. I also have tried removing some of the last apps I installed. I don't install very often so that took me back at least to a state two or three months previously, when things were fine. Are there any tools to analyze the allocation?
It just occurred to me that installed apps update all the time, and an app originally installed months or years ago may now have some kind of problem. How can I decide in what order I should try unistalling?
I suggest 2 things. Install CCleaner and run it. Also install DiskUsage which will allow you to dig pretty deeply to see what is taking up space.
For no apparent reason things got much worse with the phone rebooting every two minutes or so. I couldn't get ccleaner installed. I went into Recovery and tried to restore a backup from last week, when things weren't so bad, but the restore failed after running for about 2 hours, leaving the phone in no man's land, partly reset but with some of my apps installed. I had to perform a factory reset from SafeStrap, which I had hoped to avoid.

Next came hours of restoring apps, which would have been a lot worse without MyBackup Pro. So now we'll see how things go.