ok i have been having problems for a while now on getting this phone to read my sd card when i am in recovery but when it is in the actual boot mode when the screen is up, it reads perfect...i have formatted, i have done diff things as well and none has worked so im guessing it might be the phone...i am going to get a new phone sent to me from verizon tonight if i have to...the big question is if i use every single thing on this sd card and just replace it with the one they send me, after i root my NEW phone, can i just go to my backups from previously older phone from the sd card and restore them? i have worked really hard on a lot of things on this phone and dont wanna go through any of that......will my roms, all apps, and whatever system settings, etc be saved and working with the new phone just like if i didnt even change it out?..hope that makes sense, if not ask what u dont get and ill rephrase..thanks