GBA problem


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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just downloaded the gbaoid..and put mario golf and mario tennis on it. both close after getting to the main screen. i press start and it just resets the game. someone help please :)
Well thanks for the reply..but that still didn't help. I mean, i have the bios file, and the games start fine but just reset. Anybody have this same problem?

Edit- I've also tried a couple different types of the same roms and the same thing happens.
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im currently putting those roms on my phone to see if they work

edit 1: both of those games work great for me, so if i was you i would get a new gba_bios and if that doesnt work then i would uninstall and reinstall the emulator, its free to reinstall even though it says buy

edit 2: so originally i just booted up both roms and was like ok good they work, i just now went back to play them more and after i got a little ways in both roms kicked me back to the start, so its the emulator, it prolly just doesnt run those roms, the emulator only runs about 95% of roms so i guess thats just unlucky, sorry
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bummer..but hey thanks alot for the help!