Is anyone having problems with talk to text on rooted phones I have my s 3 a week rooted it the next morning couldn't use text to talk even with keyboard manager also I had a problem downloading apps I would get an error message saying insufficient storage I barely used any of my rom after I got my phone set up the way I wanted and before I started having these glitches I backed up my current rom so it was an easy fix I really like how the phone works but I don't care for with the buttons are located I'm always turning off the screen or adjusting the valume on accident also I can't seem to keep my hands around this phone it's always slipping out of my hands I've dropped it for 5 * I will say it is durable but it's always trying to slip out of my hands I have a 32 gig that was given to me by mistake I guess the salesman thought it was a 16 gig sold it to me for 150 bucks