Galaxy Nexus Questions


Feb 25, 2010
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Hey everyone,

Just picked up my new Galaxy Nexus. I love this phone. I had a few questions if anyone knows the answer too:

1. When you make a phone call on Skype (not the Verizon Skype app though) are you using your cell phone minutes or just skype minutes?

2. Is there anyway to get your contacts default photo to sync with their facebook default photo? I don't want it to add all my facebook contacts, just the ones that are already in my phone.

3. Is it possible to root the Nexus yet? And if so, how hard is it?
Hey everyone,

Just picked up my new Galaxy Nexus. I love this phone. I had a few questions if anyone knows the answer too:

1. When you make a phone call on Skype (not the Verizon Skype app though) are you using your cell phone minutes or just skype minutes?

2. Is there anyway to get your contacts default photo to sync with their facebook default photo? I don't want it to add all my facebook contacts, just the ones that are already in my phone.

3. Is it possible to root the Nexus yet? And if so, how hard is it?

I can answer 1 and 3! :) I've seen answers to 2 just not familiar enough to answer it.

1. You're using Skype minutes, and of course it is using your data plan! :)

3. Yes! The Nexus is a developer phone so you can root and unlock the bootloader. It may be a bit challenging if you're new to this whole thing. There is a dedicated thread just look around.

I think it's funny that you didn't think about rooting first, that is the main reason why most of us are getting it! :)

This wants to be sent from my Samsung Galaxy Nexus
I can answer 1 and 3! :) I've seen answers to 2 just not familiar enough to answer it.

1. You're using Skype minutes, and of course it is using your data plan! :)

3. Yes! The Nexus is a developer phone so you can root and unlock the bootloader. It may be a bit challenging if you're new to this whole thing. There is a dedicated thread just look around.

I think it's funny that you didn't think about rooting first, that is the main reason why most of us are getting it! :)

This wants to be sent from my Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I am likely going to keep my Nexus, but I doubt I will ever root it. Just dont know what the reasons to root would be. If there is something I need to do that I cant do without rooting, then maybe, but I dont know what that would be.

I got the Nexus because I wanted a top end screen, and a well built phone with high end specs. But also because I like knowing that the phone's issues will be quickly ironed out because it is a Google phone, and that it will be first to get updates.

After a couple days with it, I am very impressed, even with the bugs inherent to a new phone and certainly a new OS, although I havent really had any. Supposedly we get 4G the first of the year and then it will be smoking. Cant wait.

I am about to order a Rezound for my wifes upgrade/Christmas present and look forward to comparing the two prior to my 14 days expiring, just in case I like it better.
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The main reason I want to root it is so i can tether my phone to my laptop.
The main reason I want to root it is so i can tether my phone to my laptop.

This along with under and overclocking. Although i hear the clocking is being kind of a pain.

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