Future 4g Phones with Keyboards?


Sep 1, 2010
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Has anybody come across any kind of announcement about upcoming Verizon 4g LTE phones that have a physical keyboard?

I've had the Thunderbolt for a few days ago, and asside from the various software and battery issues I've had, I've found my biggest problem to be that I just can't stand not having a physical keyboard. Infact, I'm typing this from my original Droid on WiFi right now.

If you've heard anything or have the same issue I do, please feel free to leave your thoughts. Thanks.
I'm sure there will be some here in the near future, there's rumors of a Droid 3 which will follow the previous models with a keyboard so they say don't expect it till later this year though

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I heard the D3 will be a 3g only phone.

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The Droid3 is rumored to be 3g only...

I'm sure there will be some 4g phones with physical keyboards at some point. But considering most current 4g phones (and those set to be released this year) are very high end devices and considering most recent high end phones don't have physical keyboards, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I'm sure something will be announced at some point but for now I suggest you get used to on-screen keyboards or experiment with alternative on-screen keyboards such as swype and swiftkey. There's a learning curve for sure but its well worth it imho.

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I guess time will tell but I don't see many people running out for D3 if its only 3g seems like it would be a total waste of time for motorola but who knows lol I hope they have more sense!

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Until 4G is widespread, 3G phones that are cheaper will have their niche.

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By time the D3 comes out 4G pricing will have changed and cost more. 4G isn't everywhere yet so people won't want to pay for something they can't use. I for one am getting the D3 wether its 4G or not.

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By time the D3 comes out 4G pricing will have changed and cost more. 4G isn't everywhere yet so people won't want to pay for something they can't use. I for one am getting the D3 wether its 4G or not.

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I am with you.....D3 for me all the way. I don't care if it is 4g or not....I am GETTING IT FOR SURE!....sorry....I get a bit excited about the D3.dancedroid
By time the D3 comes out 4G pricing will have changed and cost more. 4G isn't everywhere yet so people won't want to pay for something they can't use. I for one am getting the D3 wether its 4G or not.

Sent from somewhere...

I am with you.....D3 for me all the way. I don't care if it is 4g or not....I am GETTING IT FOR SURE!....sorry....I get a bit excited about the D3.dancedroid
Me too...4in screen....no shoulder anymore...better keyboard....dual-core. Can't wait!!!

Sent from somewhere...
You just had to toss the dual core part in there didn't you....now I am getting all excited again.
The Droid3 is rumored to be 3g only...

I'm sure there will be some 4g phones with physical keyboards at some point. But considering most current 4g phones (and those set to be released this year) are very high end devices and considering most recent high end phones don't have physical keyboards, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I'm sure something will be announced at some point but for now I suggest you get used to on-screen keyboards or experiment with alternative on-screen keyboards such as swype and swiftkey. There's a learning curve for sure but its well worth it imho.

Sent from my ADR6400L

Some of us have spent a year trying to get use to soft keyboards and have found they just do not work for us. If Sprint can come out with the Epic and Evo Shift (which seem like pretty high end devices to me), why can't Verizon come out with one? My wife gets an employee discount with Verizon, but if they don't have a 4G phone with a keyboard when my contract is up this fall, I'll pay the extra $20 a month to go to Sprint. It's not worth the aggravation of fighting with virtual keyboards.
Yeah Sprint has some, but if you look at the trend, there are less and less phones with keyboards and hardly any high end phones with them. You may end up having to go to Sprint, but by then the phones they have will not be considered high end any longer and they may not have any other ones to replace them by then. The majority of people prefer touch screens so it's probably going to get harder and harder to get phones with keyboards.

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Then I'm sure I'll be able to get a great deal on an Epic or Evo Shift if nobody wants them. Beats the hell out of paying $200 for a phone with a keyboard I can barely use.

And IMO there are a lot more people out there who prefer physical keyboards than you think. The Sprint phones have sold very well.
I don't think that hardly anybody likes physical keyboards. I just think the majority likes touch. Everything goes on supply and demand so if the demand was that high, Verizon would have some of them.....
Of the four people in my family with droids (2 D2's and 2 D1's) i am the only one that uses the virtual keyboard. (Im also the only one that's rooted if anyone is keeping count)

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