Four New Videos Tease the Upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 4


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Even though none of the videos included in this quick news blast actually reveal the Galaxy Note 4, all of them are meant to hint at the capabilities of the device once Samsung launches it on September 3rd.

Of course, these videos are simply Sammy's way of amping up the hype machine before their big launch, but we can't blame them for that. The Galaxy S5 wasn't exactly a big hit for the company (compared to their other products).

Check out all four of the videos in the thread below and let us know if you plan on snapping up the Galaxy Note 4 when it launches or if you will wait things out to see the Motorola Nexus 6/X.
Here are all four of those hipster commercials for the Galaxy Note 4:

Try it again... the videos work here and on several machines in the office with different browsers too, so the problem may be on your end.
I'm now wishing those videos hadn't played for me. Are they trying to entice me to purchase a Note phone or they poking fun of them. I'm confused. Perhaps my Note II doesn't include the healing crystals within to fix what's wrong with my confusion.
I had a similar reaction. It's a strange market these videos are catering to...
What's up with the dumb pen videos? I didn't watch any of them but they all show the pen. I could care less about the pen.
People hate on the S-pen but unless you've used one on this size device it's hard to see the reasoning behind it. There's a lot of things you can do with a stylus that you simply can't do as well with your finger.

tap'n on my S5