Samsung Kicks Off the Galaxy Note 4 Hype Machine by Reminding us of the S Pen


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

In the video above, Samsung indirectly starts up the Galaxy Note 4 hype train by reminding us of how cool the S Pen is on their devices. They also take a moment to remind us of their September 3rd event in which the Galaxy Note 4 will launch.

We have to admit, showing the practical side of the S Pen is a smart marketing move, as it makes the device much more appealing to a great many users. What do you guys think of the S Pen? Is it one of the main selling points for the Galaxy Note series?
I love the pen on my Note II, especially for fine pointing, often in games. It's much easier to select something small with the pen than with my fat fingertip or pencil-eraser-sized capacitive stylus.

The make-or-break-it with me is going to be whether Sammy has relaxed their security or upped it with the Note 4. If it's not rooted quickly, I'll get something else even though I love the specs, love the S-Pen, and love the size. I refuse to to use an Android device that I cannot run adblock on and block all those annoying ads.

The locked bootloader isn't such a deal for me anymore since processors have gotten so powerful. I still have not found it necessary to overclock my Note II to get excellent performance from it. The only lag I see is when it is updating apps. I doubt I'll need to run custom kernels for overclocking anymore but I won't run unrooted. Period.
I love the S Pen also on my Galaxy Note, i use it for almost everything
This is my Note 2 Replacement! Can't Wait!
Don't expect this phone to be rootable, and if it is it won't be for long. My G3 will be here tomorrow. Shame, my Note 2 served me well.
I've been pleasantly surprised at how easily I acclimated away from the s pen when I got my G2 but I still use it often on my Note8. It's so very handy thing to have and others have had to play catch up to make their models as "productive friendly" as the s pen feature on the Notes. I saw on this forum last month a rumor about LG coming out with a G3 variant that will use their version of an s pen.

Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
Never use my pen. But cutting and pasting that picture looked cool. Can my note 2 do that?
Yes. From any screen, press and hold the button on your S-Pen and outline what you want to copy. Release the button when done. You can then paste it in several apps.