So yeah, my Bionic experience has all but died. Looks like I'll be getting my Rezound in tomorrow. I'm just looking for some thoughts from former Bionic owners who switched to the rezound. I think we can all assume the data connectivity issue is the biggest improvement, but what about things like battery? Screen quality? Etc etc. Really just anything at all that you've noticed is a pro or con that one phone has over the other. Bionics big thing, but completely underitilized, was the webtop. Does Rezound have this as well? But ultimately, like I said, anything that really stands out...
Again, I'm really looking for the opinions of former Bionic owners, I'm aware of what the Rezound's specs are and the theoretical differences between hardware, but I'd like to hear some actual user experiences. Thanks dudes.
Again, I'm really looking for the opinions of former Bionic owners, I'm aware of what the Rezound's specs are and the theoretical differences between hardware, but I'd like to hear some actual user experiences. Thanks dudes.