I have a question related to Superuser.apk and Forever root
I had recently installed the 5.5.893 cheesecake (same as last OTA) and was not previously rooted. I then proceeded to root the phone using the 1-Click Rooting method (since I had read on the forums the R3L3AS3DRoot method may not work on 5.5.893) and it worked fine and the Superuser app was installed fine and all was working well. I then wanted to foreever root using R3L3AS3DRoot, option 3 so I would retain root for the .901 update. I tried this method but received a permission error. I then manually appended the following three lines into the mount_ext3.sh file and crossed my fingers and rebooted.
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
chmod 4755 /system/app/Superuser.apk
The bionic booted fine and I looked at the logs and noted that the chmod /system/app/Superuser.apk was receiving a file not found error. I manually looked in /system/app and could not find the Superuser.apk file that should have been installed by the 'adb install Superuser.apk' command in the 1-click batch file. I then looked at the actual name and location of the installed Superuser application and it is actually called
Maybe this is the result of the 'adb install Superuser.apk' command?
My question is, should the last line of the mount_ext3.sh file be
chmod 4755 /data/app/com.noshufou.android.su-1.apk
or should I manually copy the R3L3AS3DRoot Superuser.apk file to /system/appand then leave the last line ofmount_ext3.sh to
chmod 4755 /system/app/Superuser.apk
I had recently installed the 5.5.893 cheesecake (same as last OTA) and was not previously rooted. I then proceeded to root the phone using the 1-Click Rooting method (since I had read on the forums the R3L3AS3DRoot method may not work on 5.5.893) and it worked fine and the Superuser app was installed fine and all was working well. I then wanted to foreever root using R3L3AS3DRoot, option 3 so I would retain root for the .901 update. I tried this method but received a permission error. I then manually appended the following three lines into the mount_ext3.sh file and crossed my fingers and rebooted.
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
chmod 4755 /system/app/Superuser.apk
The bionic booted fine and I looked at the logs and noted that the chmod /system/app/Superuser.apk was receiving a file not found error. I manually looked in /system/app and could not find the Superuser.apk file that should have been installed by the 'adb install Superuser.apk' command in the 1-click batch file. I then looked at the actual name and location of the installed Superuser application and it is actually called
Maybe this is the result of the 'adb install Superuser.apk' command?
My question is, should the last line of the mount_ext3.sh file be
chmod 4755 /data/app/com.noshufou.android.su-1.apk
or should I manually copy the R3L3AS3DRoot Superuser.apk file to /system/appand then leave the last line ofmount_ext3.sh to
chmod 4755 /system/app/Superuser.apk