For those with ESPN ScoreCenter Widget running


Active Member
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Make sure you periodically go into the 'Running Applications' area within your system settings and clear the cache. I hadn't thought anything of doing this, because most apps will do this themselves, but yesterday my Droid was running a bit slow and I went into that area and noticed the cache for this program had ballooned to 10.5 MBs! Considering the app itself is only 2 MBs, thats quite a lot.

After it was cleared, the phone sped back up.
Could this app also be killing my battery? I noticed my phone was staying warm and my battery was barely making it through half the day, even with the phone being used very little. I went ahead and removed the following apps:

Quick Settings
ESPN Sportscenter

... and the warmth is gone. Was the ESPN app eating your battery too??? Also this "cache cleaner" that you're talking about, does it essentially do the same thing as my Advanced Task Killer.
Also this "cache cleaner" that you're talking about, does it essentially do the same thing as my Advanced Task Killer.

Clearing the cache is just dumping the temp folder for the app....Unlike the Task Killer you have that does nothing to help the device...
The task killer undeniably makes the phone run faster... I removed it a while back when so many people on here said that it was not needed. Then I ended up reinstalling and never looked back because it definitely makes it run faster after clicking the ATK widget.
The task killer undeniably makes the phone run faster... I removed it a while back when so many people on here said that it was not needed. Then I ended up reinstalling and never looked back because it definitely makes it run faster after clicking the ATK widget.

For how long and to what expense of battery?
The task killer undeniably makes the phone run faster... I removed it a while back when so many people on here said that it was not needed. Then I ended up reinstalling and never looked back because it definitely makes it run faster after clicking the ATK widget.

For how long and to what expense of battery?

Some people have no trust in Linux. I used to be pro task killer until I realized it didn't do much and it killed my notifications.

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The ESPN ScoreCenter Widget sucks a lot of battery. I removed it and now use the shortcut.
I know all about the people who say the ATK does nothing and I read all the articles months ago... and I am very skeptical about these things to begin with so I was hoping that the ATK was not needed. However when I use it, it makes everything quicker. I just click the widget every so often and it makes a instant noticeable difference. Like I said, I didnt want to use it... but it improves performance so much that I have to now!