Facebook friends becoming Contacts?


New Member
May 24, 2010
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Hi all,

On the original Droid, when I added my Facebook account, it gave me the option to sync up only those FB friends that matched to an existing contact on my phone.

With the new X, it seems ALL my FB friends have been added to my phone's contacts...

I have LOTS of FB friends.. and don't necessarily want them all in my phone's contacts...

Any help?

From what I can see, it's primarily due to the MotoBlur feature on the phone. I put the "Contact Search" widget on my screen and it helps a ton! Also, utilize your speed dials.
That happened to me - all those FB slackers showed up in my contacts. It was easy to fix, my wife did something and they went away.
Rickreno.. what'd you do (besides removing the FB account on the phone), to make the imported FB contacts go away?

Also, I can add contacts to speed dial (2 - 9).. but stupid question.. how do you "dial" a speed dial contact? :)

Rickreno.. what'd you do (besides removing the FB account on the phone), to make the imported FB contacts go away?

Also, I can add contacts to speed dial (2 - 9).. but stupid question.. how do you "dial" a speed dial contact? :)


long press the number when u are in the dialer
easiest way I have found is to do this. Open up your contact list, at the top it says "contacts A-Z" and below that it probably says "Contacts: All Contacts". click there and it gives you the choice of what contacts you want shown, just choose Google to use the google contacts you probably have synced up, and all the facebook only contacts will disappear.