Facebook App


Nov 7, 2010
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Not sure where to post this so, move it if you need to.

I'm attempting to edit my facebook.apk to change the colors so they match my set up. I've successfully edited all the png's and everything looks great except for the font color. I've still got the facebook blue and I need to change it to the color I need. I've seen that you need to go to res/values/colors.xml and change it there. However, I have no such directory in my apk. I have layout, layout-land, layout-port, which probably have nothing to do with what I need to do. I also have raw, raw-ar, raw-cs, (several of these) all containing what appears to be the same .html files. I also have menu, which doesnt contain what I need.
xml only contains 4 files appwidgetprovider, authenticator, syncadapter, and contacts.

My question is how do I change the font colors?

Edit: I finally did it, took a while though. You can delete or close this thread.
Last edited:
Not sure where to post this so, move it if you need to.

I'm attempting to edit my facebook.apk to change the colors so they match my set up. I've successfully edited all the png's and everything looks great except for the font color. I've still got the facebook blue and I need to change it to the color I need. I've seen that you need to go to res/values/colors.xml and change it there. However, I have no such directory in my apk. I have layout, layout-land, layout-port, which probably have nothing to do with what I need to do. I also have raw, raw-ar, raw-cs, (several of these) all containing what appears to be the same .html files. I also have menu, which doesnt contain what I need.
xml only contains 4 files appwidgetprovider, authenticator, syncadapter, and contacts.

My question is how do I change the font colors?

Edit: I finally did it, took a while though. You can delete or close this thread.
how did you do it??