Exchange Mail


Nov 9, 2009
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I am getting all my exchange mail fine, but I cannot open an attachment in my exchange account. I bought an app RepliGo reader and I can open .pdf files in my gmail, but no in my exchange account. So if I get an email with an attachment I have to forward it to my gmail account to view the attahment. Is there something else (app) that I can use to view attachments in my exchange email account?
I had this problem until I un-checked the 'Accept all SSL certificates' box. After I un-checked that I was able to open up all of my Exchange attachments =]
Dude that worked! Thanks for the help.
I had this problem until I un-checked the 'Accept all SSL certificates' box. After I un-checked that I was able to open up all of my Exchange attachments =]

I am having the same problem and when I tried un-checking the "Accept all SSL certificates" box the i get a "Unable to open connection to server due to security error" message, and it sends me back to the exchange server set up page...

Is there anything else people are doing to be able to view PDF files from their exchange email? I really need this to work...
I had the same problem, but everything working now that I unchecked the box. NO ONE has been able to help. THANKS
Now that I unchecked the box, everything working. When I open pdf file it wants to know what program to use and I push quickoffice and it opens fine.
Sweet, I was having the same problem. All good now. Thanks Thundercats.