Exchange ActivSnc not so incredible


New Member
Sep 30, 2010
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Greetings and apologies if this is answered elsewhere but after 300 minutes or so, I cannot find an answer.

I am supporting a small company that has 4 droids and they are on SBS2003 with Exchange 2003. We have a simple firewall and I have ensured that the following ports are opened and forwarded to the exchange server...

21, 25, 80, 143, 443, 587, 990. I have verified that I can access email outside the company but when I am trying to set these @#%^ things up, I get an authorization error. User name or password invalid. It will not let me past this. They have upgraded their plan to the more expensive plan. They are able to setup IMAP/POP on these devices but want to take advantage of the activesync feature. I have tried all the suggested methods even standing on one leg and hopping up and down but still no dice.

-- no good--
[email protected]
--no good--
--no good--
I have tried the server name as the internal dns name, external dns name external IP address
--no good--

I am at the end of my rope here, can anyone tell me how to get this working??? Verizon is less than helpful. I dont want to purchase a 3rd party software to make my already expensive and upgraded phone work, I just want it to work.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and if you need more info from me, let me know...

Thank You,
Exchange ActivSnc not so incredible
It's interesting you can make this assessment if you can't set it up. ActiveSync works great with my hosted Exchange provider and for many others. I don't think there are a while lot of Exchange admins here but hopefully one can help you out.

They have upgraded their plan to the more expensive plan.
That's not needed. The $30 plan is sufficient.

I dont want to purchase a 3rd party software to make my already expensive and upgraded phone work, I just want it to work.
I'm guessing here but I don't think the phone or need for additional software is the problem. It sounds like what you need is a consultant to ensure that you're properly set up. Assuming you're using the stock email app, you do need to supply domain\user name, password and server but these values must be correct and everything must be set up properly on your end.
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Follow Up

takeshi - I have been an Exchange admin for over a decade. This particular Exchange environment is a vanilla as it gets so my comment was more from the "what am I missing" than from a critical one. With Exchange 2003, there are not a lot of settings that I can find to adjust. I have made numerous attempts to resolve but still need to reach out for assistance.

Verizon is the one that told me that the Exchange Active-Sync piece only works with the more expensive data plan on more than one attempt to resolve they told me this.

I do enter my domain\user name and password. I have attempted in every known method but still get the same error. I do notice that when I make adjustments, I get a different error than the invalid username/password. So that tells me I am hitting my server but just not able to get past the auth part.

Anyone else able to assist?

Your server is an SBS2003 Server, have you tried the domain\username as domain.local\username ?


Thanks for the reply. I did try as domain\ where domain was my internal domain name not the external domain but I dont think i added the .local on the end. My internal is domain.lan but I will give that a shot.

I will report back.
Don't feel bad. I haven't been successful getting my Incredible to sync with my 2010 Exchange server. Our companies Blackberries work just fine.
Good luck OP. Corp Sync Exchange on Motorola Blur Android is not up to the caliber of Blackberry. HTC ActiveSync may be better but power business users should look elsewhere. Until fixed, epic Android fail IMHO.

But, maybe you could find something helpful here:
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Try this:

Exchange 2010 Active Sync Issue

It fixed my issue. It has to do with domain user account permissions so should be relevant for multiple versions of Exchange.

Credit goes to cbushnell who posted the link elsewhere in this forum.
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