Eris as Hot Spot?


New Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Hey guys,

I'm new to the Eris, Android, Verizon and all the other fun stuff that goes with it. AT&T wasn't cutting it for me anymore so I made the switch.

One of the things I'm making my first mission is tethering my Eris to my laptop. I've read about PDAnet, but think that's only for Windows machines. I'm on a Macbook Pro. The main thing I'm looking to do is use my Eris as a hotspot for my iPad. I've seen a video on YouTube of a gentleman using his Moto Droid as one, but it was rooted (something I have no clue about).

Anybody have any ideas?


Yeah I think you have to root... I rooted my eris about a month ago, and now have aNetShare... works great... I dont own a mac, but it definitely turns the phone into a hot spot...
Yeah I think you have to root... I rooted my eris about a month ago, and now have aNetShare... works great... I dont own a mac, but it definitely turns the phone into a hot spot...

So how scary is the rooting process? I've never done it before. I currently have my Eris running 1.5 and use SlideScreen as my UI of choice.

I guess it depends on how comfortable you are on the computer... I am no programmer, but am comfortable on the computer.. the scariest part was of course destroying my phone.. but it all worked out... after all of my research, I ended up following the directions on which also shows you how to do a nandroid backup using Ra, and of course has a few ROMs to choose from... I am using Ivan's version 7 ROM and it came with aNetShare... I tried a couple of the other ROMs on there but had a little errors and V7 has worked great... Right now is the prefect time if the phone is new because it will delete everything and reinstall the new rom... after the phone is rooted, you won't need to completely delete everything to "flash" (install) new ROMs.... I am glad that I did the root... it has been a great hobby... much to read about and great new things to try out..
Pdandet works with macs. I used with my macbook till I rooted and got wifi tether (which also works with macs). Not sure about rooting an eris, but DMupdater made rooting so easy. I was scared when I first did it, but looking back, I laugh about it because it's not nearly as hard-core as I thought it was at the time.