email problems all of a sudden


New Member
Jun 16, 2010
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I have had no problems with my aol acct which I set up on my droid for the last 4 months I've owned it until today, I go to check email and it says incorrect username and password. So I went to web mail and logged in with no problem. My gmail also works fine. I have had the same aol password for about 4 years. It hasn't changed. Why am I locked out suddenly? Any ideas?
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Don't use the stock email client. Use anything else.

If I agreed with that anymore, I would have written it.

If you do want to change and need a nudge in a certain direction, I use K9.
awesome - I will do that. Thanks :)

I have been looking for another email client but couldn't find anything. Why are they so difficult to find?
strange, I am using the k9 mail and it also says incorrect username/password. (it's definitely not incorrect though)

Even weirder, all of a sudden I got an alert that I have 13 new e-mails in AOL (with the default mail client on the droid) - it just started to work again. Maybe my phone is glitchy today.