Is there a way I can get into Swype's dictionary and manually remove certain words from it?
I'm rooted, if that helps.
I want to do this to get rid of words that screw up my every day Swyping. Such as my keyboard spelling "gaffe" when I'm trying to Swype "have". And other words with letters that cross over each other.
Is there some sort of file in the app folder I can open on my computer and edit? Then just throw back in there?
I'm rooted, if that helps.
I want to do this to get rid of words that screw up my every day Swyping. Such as my keyboard spelling "gaffe" when I'm trying to Swype "have". And other words with letters that cross over each other.
Is there some sort of file in the app folder I can open on my computer and edit? Then just throw back in there?