Ok so i have the x2 rooted on 2.3.5 .418 with the eclipse rom. I had it running for about a month and lately the phone would start to freak out if the phone hadnt been rebooted in a while
Things it would do is be super laggy. Click on a link or click any hard button the phone would be in an almost frozen state. If the screen was off and i clicked the power button to turn it on the screen would eithe not come on or be very dim to the point where it looked likes it isnt on. I would have to constantly click the p button and after about 5-6 tried get the screen to come on correctly and be able to enter the phone. Once entered it would shut the screen off again but not all the time. Also i have green power battery and set to have the wifi turn on by itself but it seems i always have to toggle it on.
I dont know how to send a log or file of all the apps i have but i have rom manager and fixed permissions. This did not help. I thought it was the rom so i factory wiped it and reinstalled a new dl version of eclispe 2.3 last night and i thought it was taken care of but this morning it has started acting up again. Has anyone had this or maybe a explanation to why. If there are any files or logs needed just let me know how to get them and i will post them.
Things it would do is be super laggy. Click on a link or click any hard button the phone would be in an almost frozen state. If the screen was off and i clicked the power button to turn it on the screen would eithe not come on or be very dim to the point where it looked likes it isnt on. I would have to constantly click the p button and after about 5-6 tried get the screen to come on correctly and be able to enter the phone. Once entered it would shut the screen off again but not all the time. Also i have green power battery and set to have the wifi turn on by itself but it seems i always have to toggle it on.
I dont know how to send a log or file of all the apps i have but i have rom manager and fixed permissions. This did not help. I thought it was the rom so i factory wiped it and reinstalled a new dl version of eclispe 2.3 last night and i thought it was taken care of but this morning it has started acting up again. Has anyone had this or maybe a explanation to why. If there are any files or logs needed just let me know how to get them and i will post them.