Easy root 2.2 issue

no not that its just it either loses root or causes problems down teh road with root.
Got ya. I noticed su is in bin and xbin. If moved to bin where busybox is and the others wouldnt you be able to select all and delete at once? I know you can multi select on root explorer. Once deleted if it freezes it wont matter because they're gone. Who wants to try this out and let me know if it works? :)
Got ya. I noticed su is in bin and xbin. If moved to bin where busybox is and the others wouldnt you be able to select all and delete at once? I know you can multi select on root explorer. Once deleted if it freezes it wont matter because they're gone. Who wants to try this out and let me know if it works? :)

Anyone try this? Im thinking that I need to re-root 2.2 then delete superuser permissions, and then un-root....or am I wrong?
Got ya. I noticed su is in bin and xbin. If moved to bin where busybox is and the others wouldnt you be able to select all and delete at once? I know you can multi select on root explorer. Once deleted if it freezes it wont matter because they're gone. Who wants to try this out and let me know if it works? :)

Anyone try this? Im thinking that I need to re-root 2.2 then delete superuser permissions, and then un-root....or am I wrong?

What I thought could work, does work, it just has to be done a certain way. It was verified in the post thats labeled unrooting and removing recovery. Glad to see it can be done. I guess it's because you won't lose su permission until the phone is actually restarted. Like when you root, you have to restart it to have permissions. good stuff.
Got ya. I noticed su is in bin and xbin. If moved to bin where busybox is and the others wouldnt you be able to select all and delete at once? I know you can multi select on root explorer. Once deleted if it freezes it wont matter because they're gone. Who wants to try this out and let me know if it works? :)

Anyone try this? Im thinking that I need to re-root 2.2 then delete superuser permissions, and then un-root....or am I wrong?

What I thought could work, does work, it just has to be done a certain way. It was verified in the post thats labeled unrooting and removing recovery. Glad to see it can be done. I guess it's because you won't lose su permission until the phone is actually restarted. Like when you root, you have to restart it to have permissions. good stuff.

Ok, so let me make sure I understand what your saying. Open root explorer move SU to bin, then delete both SU and BusyBox?
Make sure you stay in Root explorer the entire time while doing this. Don't navigate out of it. Go into /system/bin and delete su and busybox. If you have bootstrap recovery you'll need to delete those too if your doing a swapout at the store or warranty exchange. After you delete su and busybox, navigate to xbin and delete any copies of su and busybox. Then go into system/apps and delete the superuser.apk. When done with that do a factory reset via privacy settings-reset. You should be good
Ok so now all I have to do is root my phone lol. Thanks for your help!
Im going to use the root method Abe posted in the second post.
just double check the lines of code before pressing enter.
Visit the market and get the free Android Terminal Emulator installed.

Grab these 3 files with your phone. They should end up in /sdcard/download
Visit this website: RS-Files
Look in the rootfiles folder
Use your phone to download rageinthecage-arm5.bin, superuser.apk, and su from that folder. (These same 3 files are provided for within the above Droid.co_Downloader.exe file.)

What are we going to do?
Steps 1- 5: Change to the /tmp folder on your phone, copy the file to the tmp directory, change its permissions. run it, and wait.

Step 6: make sure we can proceed

Steps 7 - 14: make system read-writable, copy the superuser. su and busybox files to where they need to go, use chmode to change their permissions, then make the system folder read-only, and exit Terminal Emulator.

If you want to know more about the commands being used here: cd, cp, chmod, mount, and exit are all Linux commands you can look up on your favorite search engine.

Okay, let's do it - type the blue parts in Terminal Emulator
cd /tmp
cp /sdcard/rage*.bin /tmp/
chmod 777 rage*.bin
This will take some time, just wait for the $ to show up so you know it is done.
Go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Terminal Emulator > and Force Stop the application
Sanity check - Go into Terminal Emulaor again and make sure you have a # symbol as a prompt. If so you are ready to proceed.
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/su
cp /sdcard/busybox /system/bin/busybox
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system