Dumb and Dumber Fall Off Cliff While Playing Pokemon Go


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Oct 6, 2011
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If Harry and Lloyd were real they would probably fall off a cliff while playing Pokemon Go! Unfortunately it wasn't Harry and Lloyd who did this in real life. Two men in San Diego took Pokemon Go to the extreme. I have to say as someone who has played the game. It is very immersive and can be hard to look away from when you are very near a creature. I have watched others run square into doors which unplanted their feet knocking them to the ground. While I can see losing track of where you are while playing, it is hard to see not focusing on at the very least not falling of the edge of a cliff!

San Diego County Sheriff's Department confirmed that two men, 21 and 22 years old, fell off a cliff in North County during a Pokemon Go session. The first man fell 90 feet while the second fell 50 feet. It looks like alcohol may have been involved which explains the ridiculous decision to play this game next to a cliff. As the warning says when you open the game "Be alert at all times, and be aware of your surroundings.". Have fun out there and stay safe.

via NBC SanDiego
Saw that stupidity on the local news... Idiots jumped the fence, OMG, people have no life.

BTW, they are not locals from San Diego, no one that dumb here.... ;)
Right? You buy soap, you should know not to eat it. If you do, you won't ever again.
You know that's a great analogy, but the same could be said for drinking till you pass out, then puking your guts out for hours... But they keep tipping the bottle...
. While I can see losing track of where you are while playing, it is hard to see not focusing on at the very least not falling of the edge of a cliff!

I can't. Are you serious?

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Went to dinner with my wife last night and our table faced a small park. It was FILLED with people ranging from teens to people in their late twenties wandering around staring at their phones. Then as we left you would see people like zombies staring at their phones slowly walking towards the park. I'm sure people are wandering there right now. It looks insane. I'll try to grab a picture when I run out.

I got my fill of this kind of "thing" playing Ingress but I see how it can draw people in and immerse them.
BTW, they are not locals from San Diego, no one that dumb here.... ;)
I was stationed in San Diego for four years. While I wouldn't use the word "dumb" per say, I feel like spending $2,000 a month on a two bedroom apartment is an awfully steep price tag for sunshine and beaches. Thankfully I was on Uncle Sam's payroll so it was all taken care of.
Sorry, but lets talk about the people that go mountain climbing and get stuck or fall to their death. Or that ride a motorcycle like a moron and wreck. Dumb is all around us. This story is no different nor should be singled out as so.

I'm quite enjoying the game. So are millions upon millions of others. A few idiots doesn't make up the majority.
I was stationed in San Diego for four years. While I wouldn't use the word "dumb" per say, I feel like spending $2,000 a month on a two bedroom apartment is an awfully steep price tag for sunshine and beaches. Thankfully I was on Uncle Sam's payroll so it was all taken care of.
Oh, I was kidding, there are many here that dumb...
I'm born here, and my kids have move on to lives of their own, there certainly are cheaper, and better places to live, maybe not with the weather, but I've grown tired of the other BS and look forward to my pending escape ;)
Sorry, but lets talk about the people that go mountain climbing and get stuck or fall to their death. Or that ride a motorcycle like a moron and wreck. Dumb is all around us. This story is no different nor should be singled out as so.

I'm quite enjoying the game. So are millions upon millions of others. A few idiots doesn't make up the majority.
I have to disagree, and IMO, falling while climbing is an accident, falling off a cliff, crashing your car or falling in a lake while having your face glued to a screen is absolutely dumb. You may think climbing is dumb, it's not for me, but they're not stepping off a cliff with their eyes closed, so to speak...
The game may have some merits, but God forbid, when the first person gets smashed by a vehicle, hopefully things change.
Agree with Efin. There's a thick line between walking off a cliff staring at your phone, and accidentally falling while climbing a mountain.

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What's that old saying about ...removing warnings and letting the lack of intelligence problem solve itself???