Droidx running slow


Aug 22, 2011
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I have a droidx on miui 1.10.21 with masque crusader and running 3g Turbo charged its been running at great speeds all Month n now running very slow mkt won't even pull up an app ...... why? ????? I'm on unlimited data so I should be able to use as much as I want rite is there a fix r work around to this

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Have us tried clearing the cache partition and the dalvik cache in recovery?

We have nothing to fear but running out of beer
No I haven't but ill clear all n I rebooted phone twice today cause it froze

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No I haven't but ill clear all n I rebooted phone twice today cause it froze

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Alright... Let us know how that goes

We have nothing to fear but running out of beer
Running a little better but still won't load r download apps from mkt

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For the market... Try going to settings/applications/manage applications/"all" tab... And scroll down to market and clear data

We have nothing to fear but running out of beer
OK droidx running good now how do I get better battery life If I'm playing games r browsing net battery is gone n an hour I'm unsure of trying to under clock so is there ne way to get better life from battery

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Battery life is something you will have to play with, depends on the ROM and so on, running apps etc.

I personally am underclocked

What settings do I use o have dx/d2 overclocking but don't understand help please maybe a preset r how to it right

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