New Member
I purchased a new Elitete flip bluetooth for my DroidX. At first it paired with a blluetooth earpiece icon. Then every time after that it has the media (headphones) icon. Every few minutes it says " phone one disconected and then phone one connected with over four hours talktime remaining" I have been given another bluethooth and also we exchanged phones on the thought that the phone was not transmittinng to the bluetooth. It still is inoperative for all purposes. I can talk to a connection, but I have to use the phone to answer and then I can talk . They checked and said the DroidX was compatable. I am not sure. Any thoughts.? It also was observed at the store that when you press the button it will have a working circle on the screen and say please wait for a full 30 seconds then say please say a command. Many times with a command not recognized. Other times it connects right away. I am afraid this is not a good pair. On my wife's DroidX the same icon shows up