So I was trying to change the background on my phone when it froze. I pressed the power button to see if that would do anything, and the phone turned off. When I tried to turn it back on nothing happened, just a black screen. After a few minutes I took out the battery and put it back in since nothing else was working. The screen came on and the phone started going through its normal start-up. Everything seemed fine, until right before it normaly switches to the unlock screen. Instead of switching to that, the little droid icon eye thing froze, and wouldn't move for a minute. After that the screen dimmed like it was about to turn off, but it didn't. The icon just stated moving again. No big deal, it's happened before, usually when the phone over-heats or something like that. I took out the battery again, which is how I've always fixed that problem. I put the battery back in thinking everything was fine. Untill it happened again. The screen froze on the icon for a minute, and wouldn't switich to the unlock screen. I tried everything I could think of to get the phone to switch screens, but it wouldn't. When I pressed the power button it would freeze for about 30 seconds before shutting down and not coming back on. Draining the battery, and then charging it didn't do anything. I need help!