Droid x + telepathy?


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Is it just me or did it seem like the droid x connected anyone else last night somehow mentally, almost telepathically? I'm not sure if it was other droid x users I felt connected to or if it was the droid x itself...
Is it just me or did it seem like the droid x connected anyone else last night somehow mentally, almost telepathically? I'm not sure if it was other droid x users I felt connected to or if it was the droid x itself...

Step away from the pipe...:icon_eek:
Is it just me or did it seem like the droid x connected anyone else last night somehow mentally, almost telepathically? I'm not sure if it was other droid x users I felt connected to or if it was the droid x itself...

Wow, I thought I was into my phone! :icon_eek:
Is it just me or did it seem like the droid x connected anyone else last night somehow mentally, almost telepathically? I'm not sure if it was other droid x users I felt connected to or if it was the droid x itself...

Step away from the pipe...:icon_eek:

100% drug free mature adult. I wouldn't have sought out other's opinions on this matter if I didn't wholeheartedtly believe it was some sort of phenomena I was experiencing last night.
Are you sure someone didn't dose you without you knowing? LSD is invisible... :)
Is it just me or did it seem like the droid x connected anyone else last night somehow mentally, almost telepathically? I'm not sure if it was other droid x users I felt connected to or if it was the droid x itself...

Step away from the pipe...:icon_eek:

100% drug free mature adult. I wouldn't have sought out other's opinions on this matter if I didn't wholeheartedtly believe it was some sort of phenomena I was experiencing last night.

These two statements still lead me to one conclusion...
However, to entertain your original statement or question...The answer is YES, it was just you.
However, to entertain your original statement or question...The answer is YES, it was just you.

Lol let's not jump to conclusions so soon! I made this post so that I could be "found", if you would.
100% drug free mature adult. I wouldn't have sought out other's opinions on this matter if I didn't wholeheartedtly believe it was some sort of phenomena I was experiencing last night.

These two statements still lead me to one conclusion...

That I am on drugs?? I'm sorry but no I am not on drugs brother.

Relax, Sally. I'm just funnin' ya. I don't think you're taking drugs. It was just a wild topic of discussion and I found it was an opportunity to mess with you.
Its called "mind sync" you can turn it off under your phone options its a total battery killer dancedroid