So the other day I had Liberty 0.8 on My Droid X With gingerbread. I was using it, all working fine until I lost my messaging icon. I looked everywhere to find it to no avail. So I booted into Clockwork Mod and tried to restore my clean .596 on nandroid. Didn't work. I tried to boot and it is stuck at the Motorola logo. So I went into clockwork again, and did a factory reset. Still stuck on Motorola logo while booting. So far all I can do is get into bootloader and part of the hard reset part. When I Push the power and home button to get into factory recovery, all it stays on is the exclamation point, and nothing pops up. I have tried to use the search key, etc etc.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is the any way I could use that SBF CD so I can SBF back to froyo? RSD Lite will not work. It keeps saying failed flash, but it detects my phone and everything when it is in bootloader mode.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is the any way I could use that SBF CD so I can SBF back to froyo? RSD Lite will not work. It keeps saying failed flash, but it detects my phone and everything when it is in bootloader mode.