Droid X signal issues?


New Member
Jul 19, 2010
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I got my Droid X on Thursday and everything worked fine. On Friday I started having some signal issues in the evening and then couldn't get any service for the majority of the weekend. At times the phone will show bars, but as soon as I go to make a call, the bars go away. Also, not able to receive calls/text, or do any data.

This is mainly a problem at my house, where I show no coverage at all. Now, I'm at work and show full bars and 3G, but as soon as I make a call the bars drop to 1 and the call usually drops. I am getting texts to go through now (received a handful that were from previous days), so I'm assuming I have a LITTLE signal, when last Thursday/early Friday I had no issues at all.

I called Verizon on Saturday night (from another phone), and they tried a bunch of stuff and created a ticket (?) and I'm supposed to hear back on that today. Other Verizon users have never had issues getting signal at my house, or anywhere in town. Does anybody have any ideas? Anybody seeing similar issues? What is this ticket going to do (new to Verizon as of Thursday)?

My battery is also draining pretty fast, but I assume that is caused by the lack of signal and constant searching for signal. I searched the web, and everything I see about this phone is the great signal strength and battery life, but I'm seeing the exact opposite. I dropped AT&T because Verizon is much better in my area, but so far I haven't been able to enjoy that. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I'm having a similar issue. I got mine last Wednesday and everything seemed fine, I was getting a few bars in my house as I usually do. However, come Thursday I had no service whatsoever at home.

I even tried driving around town a bit to see if this changed, but I got a quick flash of a bar or two at most. I have been to a few places where service seems fine, but I still get no service in and around my house (even though every other verizon phone used by my family works fine here).

I wish I had some suggestions, but nothing I do seems to help. (Resetting the phone, taking out the battery and SD card, trying different combinations of wifi and airplane modes on/off, dialing the service update number, etc.) I hope I don't have to resort to buying a service extension device...
Yeah, I've tried everything. Verizon even had me manually reprogram the phone and still nothing. Right now I'm at work, and I can look out my window and see the nearest Verizon tower (they told me where the towers were) and I show 4 bars and 3G, but as soon as I try a phone call it drops to 1 bar, if that, and the call will break up and eventually drop.
I just got mine and I only have 1 bar. I may spike to 3 or drop out all together. I've never had a problem with a signal here at work.
Yeah I'm getting some serious signal problems. Mostly indoors where my old Droid was fine.

For example I'll have a signal of around 1-3 bars for EVDO but as soon as I use the internet it drops to 1x.

Also today I had 3 bars for EVDO had I went to speed test it...50kbs...a little down the street I speed test it again and I had 1200mbs...WTF this is really annoying.
Verizon has been in the process of upgrading towers for LTE that could be what is causing the issue
This is exactly what I am seeing. My phone will sometimes show great signal, but as soon as I go to use that signal (either phone or data) it drops off.

Other times my phone doesn't show any signal, and still doesn't work.
Might very well be the problem. I know last night I was getting some signal issues...waited a couple minutes and it was back to normal speed.

Thing was signal strength was the same the whole time.

I was also having lunch today and the signal strength was all over the place and I was even moving the phone. Watched the signal jump from 3 bars EVDO to 1 bar 1x....really crappy.
mine has outstanding reception where ever i am. i never have problems with losing bars or calls cutting out.
Barski, none of us want to hear you speak of your perfectly functioning phone unless you had the issue, fixed it and now want to share the solution.

This is for those of us who need to vent about having perfect service until attempting to place calls and then it all drops to nothing.

Those of us who cannot even believe that after FINALLY getting rid of the BB Storm 1, I am wishing I had it right now to make phone calls...

AGGGHHHH its driving me nuts!
Yeah I'm getting some serious signal problems. Mostly indoors where my old Droid was fine.......

I've been having the same problems... old Droid was fine indoors and new X sucked. :icon_evil:

Got the 1.13.604 OTA pushed to my X this evening and all is well now. Couldn't be happier! dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid
Barski, none of us want to hear you speak of your perfectly functioning phone unless you had the issue, fixed it and now want to share the solution.

This is for those of us who need to vent about having perfect service until attempting to place calls and then it all drops to nothing.

Those of us who cannot even believe that after FINALLY getting rid of the BB Storm 1, I am wishing I had it right now to make phone calls...

AGGGHHHH its driving me nuts!

okay smart A$$. My phone does have problems way worse than yours. My screen goes nuts and it becomes unusable, until a battery pull, then it does it again. Only solution for me was to run it completely dead and recharge it. -theres my problem and solution! and i didn't _itch about someone saying there phone doesn't have that problem. just thought i would let some people know so it wouldn't be known as a wide spread issue with the phone. i understand your upset and i would be 2, just don't yell at others for try to give information. Give it a couple of days. I'm guessing its some thing with the tower, possibly some maintenance or upgrades. Something to try *228, update roaming capabilities. after update shut down the phone and restart it. If that doesn't do it call local verizon store, they usually know whats going on at least in our area.
I switched to Verizon because I had crappy AT&T coverage with the iPhone, now I wish that I could get that horrible service back, because at least I could use it in most places.
Just a little update. After a few calls with Verizon, they verified all of my settings and verified that the network here was fine then told me that I would have to deal with the store where I bought it to see about a replacement. Talked with the store on Tuesday and they got another shipment of X's in yesterday and swapped mine out for me. Since the swap, it has worked flawlessly.

Still no idea what caused the issue, but since getting the new phone, everything is working fine. Downloaded the exact same Apps all over again, and am using my original SD card. Even did a Data Wipe on the original before swapping it out which didn't help at all, so there was definitely some sort of hardware failure that happened about a day after I got it.
New member here, got my droid x tuesday, noticed almost immediately that its reception was far worse than my old Motorola MOTO™ W755, can't use it in break area at work where I used to have no problem and no reception in some of my other normal hangout places