Droid x messaging app


Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
Droid x messaging app?

Im planning on getting a droid and im curious to see how the messaging app looks, can somebody post some pics? ive been told it looks kinda like the iphone =/
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Sure, I can post some. What all do you want to see? A sample conversation and the list of people?
stock messaging app

Abe21599 already beat me to the full convo but what the hell:

Conversation List (faces and names blurred):


The white heads are the default icon instead of the robot on stock Android.

and a full conversation (face and name blurred):

Abe21599 already beat me to the full convo but what the hell:

Conversation List (faces and names blurred):


The white heads are the default icon instead of the robot on stock Android.

and a full conversation (face and name blurred):


thank you guys! the conversation list looks pretty much like stock android and the full conversations does look like the iphone =/ but still i like this better than the stock android

btw the names on the conversation list are white too right? cant really tell since theyre blurred out
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Yeah, sorry about that. They are white. The convo list is definitely close to stock, just minor changes there. The full convo is nicer than stock in my opinion and looks more polished than the iPhone. I hate the iPhones cheesy green/blue bubbles. These bubbles look "cleaner" to me if that makes sense.
If you like VH1, you will like it, but I prefer Handcent (works great by the way) so you have the option of customization. The Blur messaging app is one they should have not deployed and just used the stock android version. I could have lived with that.
the ONLY thing I don't like about the blur app is that there are no smilies. I have got REALLY used to using them and most people I txt have Android now so we use them back and forth. The stock Moto app doesn't show them. I am using ChompSMS right now. It shows some generic (non-robot) smilies, which is better than nothing! The ONLY bad thing about ChompSMS is that it has the cheesy bubbles like an iPhone. Handcent is more customizable but it has been screwy for me in the past.
Handcent gave me problems on 2.2, but has been working as it should on 2.1 for the X.
Hmm maybe I'll give it another go. I did like being able to modify the type of "bubbles" used and whatnot.
group messenger

what is the best group chat available?:byeBB:
i hate handcet its soooo slow x.x

Btw the gtalk app was also changed? or its just the plain gtalk app?
Have been using handcent for about a day now and so far no problems and it doesn't seem slow at all. Not much does on the X. :D

I don't use gtalk often so I'm not 100% but I THINK it is the same as it was before. Doesn't look fancy at all.