Droid x light/LCD not working


New Member
Feb 19, 2012
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I have had my Droid X for little over year without any problems. The other day one drop of water might got in because I saw the drop of water...wiped it off. Screen flickered and then went off and won't come back on. Took battery out...small wet area noted and dried. Let air out a while.(this was not from a large amount of water) Still the phone will come on and if I turn it the right way, I can slightly see the slide bar and able to get in on phone. Buttons across bottom of phone light up.   I tried adjusting brightness thru setting......that isn't it. From what I read sounds like LCD ..... so is there a quick and easy fix? HAHA!... and what tools for a beginner do I need to take the phone apart. I am with verizon and did not take out insurance. I am sure it will cost plenty. Any suggestions? Up till today...I loved my droid. Thanks
Welcome to Droid Forums, sorry to hear you are having issues. If it is the LCD then I do not believe there is an "easy" fix. And I have no experience with taking them apart but if you search it on Google there are several videos on how to do it. But I do not recommend it unless it really is your only/last chance. It might be best to hold on and see what others think about it.
Hello and welcome! Hope you find a solution to your issue ;)...
Welcome to Droid Forums, sorry to hear you are having issues. If it is the LCD then I do not believe there is an "easy" fix. And I have no experience with taking them apart but if you search it on Google there are several videos on how to do it. But I do not recommend it unless it really is your only/last chance. It might be best to hold on and see what others think about it.
I was just dreaming the "black screen" would be something easy. I am going to verizon but I know there will be no help without big bucks and not sure even if I had insurance it would have helped....which is why I don't get insurance. I did find one with 26 steps...should be interesting since I am not techy! but tomorrow it is coming apart! who knows maybe if I fix it..I will get brave a do that rooting thing....sounds interesting. Usually when I get in a mess, I figure a way out...
Welcome to the site. Hope you got your phone fixed. DancingNexus