Droid X battery problems


New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Central PA
Can anyone tell me why when my phone is idle it is using 61% of my battery? I've noticed in the last week that my battery seems to drain very quickly (even when I'm not using my phone).
Are you rooted? If so, you can download Battery Calibration from the market. Charge your phone to 100%, then hit calibrate battery. Unplug your phone, let it die, then charge it back to 100%.

Man the extended battery works great. Lasts all day

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Settings >> Battery & data manager >> Battery usage

What's using the battery?
Mine would drain pretty fast till I cut off all the GPS stuff and keep everything else from running using an app killer. Now I listen to music all day, make lots of calls, roam the net and still have at least 1/2 of my battery power at the end of the day.
Settings >> Battery & data manager >> Battery usage

What's using the battery?

Seconded. For usage that wild, there's got to be some background process that's just ruining your battery.

Hopefully it's just an app and you can rein it in. Otherwise, you could try rooting, that gives you a ton of options. Most roms are easier on the battery than the stock system as well. All things to consider.

Lib3rat3d DroidX
Here is the battery usage:

Phone idle 78%
Cell Standby 14%
Display 6%
Wi-Fi 2%
Android OS 2 %
Have you tried using the built in battery saver? Also, using wifi instead of the 3g, turning off the gps, turning off sync, lower the fetching rate of your social media apps, lowering your screen brightness.

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There is no way that phone idle should be that high.. I usually see display as 60%, and phone idle as 20% or so.
I didn't think screen idle should be that high either but I don't know how to remedy that. I've tried some of the things that Comk4evr suggested but that didn't make a difference in the idle time. UGH, very frustrating!!!
Try draining out the battery then do a full charge without playing with the phone.
Once fully charged unplug & turn off.
Pull battery for a full minute.
Turn on by holding power button and home button until you see the little DROID dude & release buttons.
Push volume up& down buttons at same time. A menu will come up.
Select "wipe cache" using volume buttons as up and down and the power button as the enter/select.
After wipe is complete the select "reboot phone".
This will reset your battery usage and all should go back to normal.

Sent from my Dx Humanoid
Are you rooted?

If so, flash liberty rom or swap kernels. When you flash wipe data x2 and cache x2. Then go advanced and wipe dalvik and battery stats.

Rooted or not, do a hard reset via the bootloader. Then fully drain the battery, charge the phone OFF for a full charge, and repeat twice more. This calibrated the battery.on my gnex, and if it worked for that sucker it'll work for your x.

FWIW, I get superb battery life using liberty on my X.
I had similar problem after installing liberty rom. Battery calibration worked for me.

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