Droid won't ring


New Member
May 20, 2010
Reaction score
I am hoping this doesn't end up being a newbie issue but out of no where my phone stopped ringing. It still vibrates when i am receiving a call but there is no ring tone. I have tried the stock ring tones the phone came with and still nothing. This is not a conflicting program issue seeing as how i have had the same apps for long enough and this just started, and it's not a "did you plug it in" issue because all my volumes are up and i have nothing disabled that would prevent this from happening. My phone was ringing just fine when my mom called at the butt crack of dawn but as it would be it just stopped...

Help Please!

If you used the Smart Profile, you may be stuck. If you used it to turn your phone to vibrate by turning the phone upside down, your phone can get stuck on vibrate. The only way to get it to ring again is to do a factory reset.

The factory reset is in Settings>>Privacy. It's not too painful if you use Gmail. Before doing it, it's worth making a note of which apps you have to make it easier to get going again. After you do a reset, your previously-download apps will show up under Market > Downloads, but only for a short while. You can go right in there and start them all downloading again. But if you wait to do that, they will disappear so do it pretty much right away after logging back in and setting up WiFi, etc.

You can also download several apps (like App Brain or App List) that will make a copy of your installed apps.