ok, this is what just happened...the other night my phone was messing up not reading the sd card for some reason so i called verizon and they said they would send me out a replacement phone the next day..that was at 11:30 at night..then i formatted my card and got my phone to work so instead of wanting the new phone, cause mine is only one month old, i called them the next morning and told them to cancel the order that i didnt want it cause i had my working fine again..they gave me a confirmation number saying the order was canceled and wouldnt be shipped...well fed ex comes this morning with the phone anyway...i told the guy to send it back cause i didnt need it and then i thought maybe i could have kept that one and my phone since they canceled it..well i called verizon and asked them was the order ever shipped and they said no it was canceled.... well the question is can i still keep that phone since they messed up and not send it back to them? i know these phones dont have sim cards which i know i could do this with a company with like tmobile or at&t, but verizon doesnt take sims and they actually activate the phone by im guessing the numbers inside the if someone tried to activate it, it prob would just activate my new phone with my MY number wouldnt it? if someone knows this then let me know cause ill keep it if not or even if i can just keep it as a backup for myself if my warranty ever runs out...