Droid Razr Utility 1.4 .173 Fastboot Issue

Jul 11, 2010
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My phone got caught in a bootloop while trying to flash the mod from Th3ory and I downloaded the 1.4 Razr Utility to restore my phone. I know with using RSDlite and the original .744 it will not touch the partition and restore the apps but after using the utility it seemed to have wiped everything thing completely, including the titanium backup that I had done before. I hadn't seen an issue from any of the utility posts so I didn't know if it was supposed to do a complete wipe or if it was a fluke of some sort.
I was checking out the thread announcing the utility and the first warning is that it will wipe the internal memory.

View attachment 47550

2.3.6 ver 174 rooted with NO problems
Thanks, looking back at the thread I glanced over the red text...oh well, at least I have it fixed. Thanks again.