New Member
Thank you for looking at my thread. I have a simple question that I am sure any Droid RAZR pro could answer, I want to be prepared for the new Jelly Bean update but I have done a few mods to my phone that may not work well with an OTA. Basically I am running the most recent version of ICS (4.0.4) (.211) rooted and safe strap 2.11 installed. I have also removed bloatware but other then that completely stock. Can I just install the update when it comes or should I follow some steps to completely go stock. I would like to keep safe strap it is kinda like a fail-safe for me.
Now with that said I have my hands on the leaked Jelly Bean OTA. Can I install this on the safe side of safe strap and not damage anything or brick my phone.
I've been modding for years but Motorola seems to get me every time with these darn locked boot loaders life would be so much easier without them. You just never know what simple thing you do that can turn your phone into a literal brick. So once again thank you for reading and I hope my write up was easy to understand, if I missed anything let my know and I'll fill it in.
Thank you for looking at my thread. I have a simple question that I am sure any Droid RAZR pro could answer, I want to be prepared for the new Jelly Bean update but I have done a few mods to my phone that may not work well with an OTA. Basically I am running the most recent version of ICS (4.0.4) (.211) rooted and safe strap 2.11 installed. I have also removed bloatware but other then that completely stock. Can I just install the update when it comes or should I follow some steps to completely go stock. I would like to keep safe strap it is kinda like a fail-safe for me.
Now with that said I have my hands on the leaked Jelly Bean OTA. Can I install this on the safe side of safe strap and not damage anything or brick my phone.
I've been modding for years but Motorola seems to get me every time with these darn locked boot loaders life would be so much easier without them. You just never know what simple thing you do that can turn your phone into a literal brick. So once again thank you for reading and I hope my write up was easy to understand, if I missed anything let my know and I'll fill it in.