my phone no matter what wont leave the Motorola dual core logo, it always return. yes Ive press power and volume down and it takes me to boot loader mode and Ive tried every option in bootloader. tried wiping everything in clockworkmod and it still always returns to the motorola logo,will not get pass it!!!. before i bricked i had safe strap and i guess i was using it wrong, tried to make a backup after i had rooted and edited my prop builds. it said nonsafe backup and when my phone started up it was blinking pink pulses, every thing was pulsing pink. i tried evreything then i finally disabled my safestrap(dumb move?). i think i was using safestrap wrong because i stayed in safe mode disabled. Im a noob and i know i should of done more research on the razr rooted and safestrap.....pls need help!!!