I'm sorry to hear all of you here are having connection issues. I can assure you all that the SIM is not the cause. The SIM is nothing more than a flash RAM/ROM card that contains the authorization information tied to your wireless account. It either works or doesn't. If your phone can make a call, the SIM is working, even if DATA isn't.
I am also disappointed that you all are suffering similarly. The problems you are having are by no means widespread. There have been data outages on Verizon but they are almost definitely not the issue here as Verizon seems to have the problems of data outages under control now. What's really frustrating for me is that my phone (MAXX) and my wifes (RAZR), are both solid performers and we have no data issues. I can also say the largest percentage by far of RAZR and MAXX users are now (post data issues from Verizon and recent radio updates) quite happy with their phones. I also don't know where each of you are located to know if it's an area-specific issue or not.
I suggest you each go to
4G LTE Network | Verizon Wireless and enter in your physical home address, then view the map both in the zoomed in mode and also zoomed backed out one or two clicks to see just how the coverage is for your immediate areas.
If you are in the light red area (
Verizon 3G), you have ONLY 3G, and you should turn off 4G (CDMA Only), at least while in that geographical area. This is CERTAINLY not the phone's issue, but simply a limitation of the network in your area.
If you are in the dark red area (
Verizon 4G LTE *), you should be able to retain 4G consistently, but if you are on the fringe of any of those coverage areas you will again suffer the same toggling and data drops when switching from 3G to 4G & back again. If you are on the fringe, this isn't the phone's fault, but simply a limitation of the network in your area.
(* Access the 4G LTE network within the Coverage Area.)
If you are in the medium red area (
Verizon 4G LTE Extended
**), you MAY have 4G, but it's depending on your altitude in relation to the towers since the signal you are getting is coming from distant towers with beam antennas pointed in your direction that tend to "ride higher" in the atmosphere when compared to the standard 4G coverage towers. Again, not the phone, but the network.
This can result in what seems like spotty coverage due to toggling between 3G & 4G and will also result in overall greater consumption of battery power. Again for those problems, switching to 3G only (CDMA Only) is the only viable solution. My home was in this situation until recently, but since I have a wireless router, I would just run on WIFI only while at home. In my opinion, this is simply an issue of your own physical geographical area, the topographical terrain in and around your home, and not the "fault" of Verizon per se'. They ARE sending signal "toward" your home, though it may be traveling OVER your home as it was mine until a few weeks ago. I used to get no 4G in the house, but 4G was strong while standing on my roof! :blink:
(** Access the 4G LTE network within the Verizon Extended Coverage Area; certain conditions may cause your service to connect to 3G in this Area.)
If you are in the yellow area (
Extended 4G LTE ***) you are not in Verizon's 4G LTE area, but instead on a 4G LTE tower run by another carrier and this can also result in spotty or toggling coverage. In other words, this isn't either Verizon's fault or the phone's.
(*** Access the 4G LTE network within the Extended Coverage Area; Some of the Coverage Areas include networks run by other carriers, the coverage depicted is based on their information and public sources, and we cannot ensure its accuracy.)