4G Problem


New Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Let me start by saying that up until today my area didn't have 4G at all. However on my way to work this morning as I was leaving my neighborhood I noticed my phone was pulling 4G. I thought maybe it was just a glitch but then I ran a speed test and realized that it wasn't. As I was driving around town I was getting a good signal pretty much everywhere until I actually got to work, which is in another town so I expected that. I was looking forward to getting home to see if I had 4G at my house. I was pretty positive I would because when I checked this morning less than a mile away from my home I got a very strong 4G signal. Well I get home pull out my phone and what do you know no 4G. I accepted that fact and was getting over it up until my cousin came over to my house with his Galaxy Nexus. He was getting 4G and a strong signal sitting 2 feet from me, but my Razr for what ever reason just refuses to connect. Weird thing about it is my phone usually picks up signal way better than his nexus when it comes to 3G. I'm puzzled. We drive a couple miles up the road and we both have 4G no problem. I dont know maybe the Nexus just has a better antenna when it comes to 4G. Weird thing about it is though every once and a while my phone says 4G full signal and then drops back to 3G seconds later. Any suggestions? I think I may have tried about everything but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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You can try swapping devices; however, I'm certain your carrier will just blame the radio/tower/trees/structures/air/etc.

I'm not familiar with the GNex radio, however, this could just be a difference in radios. Additionally, I've noticed that structures do seem to have a huge impact on my Razr's ability to pull a 4G signal. I don't know if it's a radio issue or if the 4G band is just that much weaker; 3G is fully strong in my office building; 4G is 1-2 bars on the outer parts of the building, and non-existent within the middle portions of the building.
I have been searching all day and cant even find a trace of an article or anything about 4G coming to the area, but its here for sure. I downloaded a 4G toggle from the marketplace since they removed the CDMA only option and set it to LTE only. Currently it says no service but every few minutes it says 4G and a very strong signal for about 10-15 seconds but remains grey and never turns blue. Then once again says no service. I don't know maybe I'm just out of luck for now.
Do you have a Razr/Razr Maxx... your post indicates a removal of the CDMA option, which sounds like you've been pushed to ICS; however, the device listed under your avatar says Droid X... :blink: :p

Sorry I'm of no more help... sounds like just a radio ability issue or possibly just the weaker 4G signal (if that's a real thing). Try taking it into a store and tell them you're having trouble getting signal now (fewer details is better :biggrin:)
Razr and yeah I just havn't gotten around to changing it. I usually just read post as you can see by my post count.
Haha, that's fine. In fact, I just changed mine yesterday after having my Maxx for several months already (although, I haven't been on here in about 2/2.5 years when I was still messing around with my DX).
Okay well Verizon officially launched 4G here today, even though it has actually been here a month. I talked to a Verizon rep and was told once we officially launch check the coverage on the website and see if you are covered. It launched today and I checked the website and we are covered. Not extended coverage either. And still my phone is saying it has no 4G signal. Occasionally it turns to 4G just long enough to irritate me lol. I have no problem with 4G connectivity anywhere else though so I'm guessing that it's not the sim card. I'm going to go ahead and say the Razr or at least mine has a crappy radio. I even downloaded the 2.16.215 leaked update that's supposed to update the LTE radio and still nothing.