Droid RAZR connectivity/service issue


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
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I have a problem that seems to be getting worst. My phone keeps losing service and data. It will stay connected for about 10 minutes, then it will lose service and not just 3G/4G connectivity, but phone service too. After about 5 minutes, it gets service back. It does not seem to do this if I'm on the phone or using the Internet. It only seems to do it when the phone is idle. I will literally get a red X through my signal meter. Verizon replaced my phone and that didn't solve the issue. They replaced my SIM card, which also did not help. I've wiped the phone several times and that didn't help. My phone is updated to the latest software version of ICS. Its got nothing to do with my cell tower. The same thing happens at work and I work a good 30 miles away in Phoenix. Has anyone experienced this or have any other solution I can try? It seems like everything on my phone has been swapped out so its really puzzling me. The most annoying thing about it is that it drains my battery. At full charge, my battery only lasts about 5 hours....and that's just being completely idle...not even using it.
If it is a new phone push red into a new one, that would be my plan.
Have you tried putting it on 3G only mode to see if that helps? You can download the Thunderbolt LTE On/Off APP from the Play Store and change it to CDMA auto (prl).

Or you can dial *#*#4636#*#* from your dial pad on the phone, that will take you to a hidden menu. Choose Phone Information scroll down a little and you will see "Set Preferred Network Type, choose CDMA auto (prl).

See if that helps.
I had this issue for a while..its actually still happens..one thing i didnt do yet was have em check the area..ehh,since swichin out my card n putin a new one in,service stays on so,so but still not as well but a lil better then befour..befour i swaped it out,my simcard didnt match my data plan(Verizon, thats real nice,,smh)..butt u can try this,i have this as a backup incase i dont feel like doin a fdr or somesort,if anyone does have an idea why this is happening,keep us posted..iam wondering the same thing..fyi i know 4g drains the battery,thats where i got s.a in play(thanks to the help frm Tis n 94)..anyway,this is in the p.s..helps for the time bein in my option..i think its a must have if anything..
#"Restore connectivity settings"@p.s(free)
It could also be 211... I just pushed my wife's phone to 215.. it was on 211 and it was having drops.. terrible drops. Not any more though :)
94lt1 said:
It could also be 211... I just pushed my wife's phone to 215.. it was on 211 and it was having drops.. terrible drops. Not any more though :)

True..i lost so much 4g connection@211(kept jumpin to 3g bck to bck),after i done 215,my 4g stays on all the time.losing my service is still a issue tho
Have you tried putting it on 3G only mode to see if that helps? You can download the Thunderbolt LTE On/Off APP from the Play Store and change it to CDMA auto (prl).

Or you can dial *#*#4636#*#* from your dial pad on the phone, that will take you to a hidden menu. Choose Phone Information scroll down a little and you will see "Set Preferred Network Type, choose CDMA auto (prl).

See if that helps.

I did try this actually. It still does it. Its so random.