Droid Incredible for 120 bucks or Blunderbolt?? Need a good phone for work!!


Oct 26, 2010
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Hey guys, I have recently sold my iphone on the assumption that the blunderbolt would release on the 14th, then the 24th... You get the idea. I have to have a smartphone for work. A good camera for product pictures, good service, internet for looking up important stuff, and gps to find job sites. I dont know how much longer I can wait. Its seriously starting to cripple me!! I can add a line on my pop's account with a refurb Incredible for only 120 on a one year contract. That is a pretty good deal!!! But i have also been waiting for the blunderbolt since OCTOBER. I really really want this phone!! The family business pays for these phones, as they are used for work, so cost is not really prohibitive here.

I am stuck for time, and really need a smartphone soon. I know I may regret buying the dinc, when the tb comes out like a week or two later but... Ahhhhh!!!!

Any suggestions on a short term fix? Cave and buy the dinc? Wait for the blunderbolt? Buy a old beat up droid to hold me over?

Oh and this nokia 2610 is... is... bad. Help!! lol
if you can't wait, buy an incredible (or whatever phone) on ebay/CL. when the TB (finally) comes out, just sell the incredible. you likely won't lose much money (assuming you research what a good price is before buying). that way you aren't sucked into a contract and can get the TB for the 2yr price. i might have to do this if the TB doesn't come out before the last week of march as i am going to need a smartphone that week.
Well, you could get the dinc now, & then surely the tb will be out before your return period is up?

Edit: I'd personally get a dx before a dinc though, it'd get you a bit more use to the size of the tb. + its a great phone anyway :p

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Well, you could get the dinc now, & then surely the tb will be out before your return period is up?

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Really? SURELY? I'd like to think you're right, but I don't know if I'd bet my upgrade on it...

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D INC is a good phone... just to small for those of us with big hands.. I heard the battery life is not that good though from a friend of mine...
Well, you could get the dinc now, & then surely the tb will be out before your return period is up?

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Really? SURELY? I'd like to think you're right, but I don't know if I'd bet my upgrade on it...

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Well panda said that its running final software & what not now, so I dont know any reason they'd delay it past Q1

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I do need a bigger screen, but i hate motoblur. Lol that leaves me with nothing really as the blunderbolt is more vaporware than it is a real phone.
I do need a bigger screen, but i hate motoblur. Lol that leaves me with nothing really as the blunderbolt is more vaporware than it is a real phone.

I've had motoblur off of my phone for the most part since day 3. Are you familar with rooting & such. Both Rubix focussed & Liberty are aosp built pretty nice roms

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I do need a bigger screen, but i hate motoblur. Lol that leaves me with nothing really as the blunderbolt is more vaporware than it is a real phone.

I've had motoblur off of my phone for the most part since day 3. Are you familar with rooting & such. Both Rubix focussed & Liberty are aosp built pretty nice roms

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Huh, i didnt know rooting totally removed the 'skin'. I thought it just removed bloat ware. So youre saying that its possible to have 'pure' google on the droid x/incredible just like the nexus one?? That would be awesome!! Maybe I should just buy a dinc while they are so cheap...
Hey guys, I have recently sold my iphone on the assumption that the blunderbolt would release on the 14th, then the 24th... You get the idea.

Are you a Best Buy customer? They are the only ones to have ever released a supposed release date, and even then, they retracted it. I believe at the CES Verizon just said 1st Qtr of 2011, so they have until the end of this month to release it.

Having used the phone for the past two days, I think it's ready for release and my gut tells me you will see it on the 10th.

You may want to check eBay for an old used Android phone that works but has a cracked screen or something. I've seen LG Ally phones for under $50.
Hey guys, I have recently sold my iphone on the assumption that the blunderbolt would release on the 14th, then the 24th... You get the idea.

Are you a Best Buy customer? They are the only ones to have ever released a supposed release date, and even then, they retracted it. I believe at the CES Verizon just said 1st Qtr of 2011, so they have until the end of this month to release it.

Having used the phone for the past two days, I think it's ready for release and my gut tells me you will see it on the 10th.

You may want to check eBay for an old used Android phone that works but has a cracked screen or something. I've seen LG Ally phones for under $50.

Verizon actually said Q2, maybe some devices coming out in March. I don't know where the whole Q1 thing came from...anybody know?
Hey guys, I have recently sold my iphone on the assumption that the blunderbolt would release on the 14th, then the 24th... You get the idea.

Are you a Best Buy customer? They are the only ones to have ever released a supposed release date, and even then, they retracted it. I believe at the CES Verizon just said 1st Qtr of 2011, so they have until the end of this month to release it.

Having used the phone for the past two days, I think it's ready for release and my gut tells me you will see it on the 10th.

You may want to check eBay for an old used Android phone that works but has a cracked screen or something. I've seen LG Ally phones for under $50.

Verizon actually said Q2, maybe some devices coming out in March. I don't know where the whole Q1 thing came from...anybody know?

I'm pretty sure they said Q1 for the tb

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Hey guys, I have recently sold my iphone on the assumption that the blunderbolt would release on the 14th, then the 24th... You get the idea. I have to have a smartphone for work. A good camera for product pictures, good service, internet for looking up important stuff, and gps to find job sites. I dont know how much longer I can wait. Its seriously starting to cripple me!! I can add a line on my pop's account with a refurb Incredible for only 120 on a one year contract. That is a pretty good deal!!! But i have also been waiting for the blunderbolt since OCTOBER. I really really want this phone!! The family business pays for these phones, as they are used for work, so cost is not really prohibitive here.

I am stuck for time, and really need a smartphone soon. I know I may regret buying the dinc, when the tb comes out like a week or two later but... Ahhhhh!!!!

Any suggestions on a short term fix? Cave and buy the dinc? Wait for the blunderbolt? Buy a old beat up droid to hold me over?

Oh and this nokia 2610 is... is... bad. Help!! lol

"Blunderbolt" Best chuckle I have had so far today :)

Seems quite fitting so far.
like CK said in the recently closed thread, there is really no point in my complaining unless Im willing to purchase a current gen device on big red. I need to switch from the death star, but I dont really have any motivation to right now. The blunderbolt is still basically vaporware. There is NO confirmed release information on the device other than q1(and I have a bad bad feeling that will switch to summer as this spring grows older), and the data prices are also up in the air. MSRP is disputed between BB and the general public, most are sick of waiting on it, and likely about half of those have given up, and just bought a DX or whatever. Any 'information' I get on the phone(and the same goes for yall too) is likely to be totally false, or filled with misinformation. There is no reliable 'source', and there is no way to determine if the phone is even a production device whatsoever. For all we know it is fiction - a phone designed sheerly to pump up big red's new LTE network in anticipation of the bionic. I mean, it is already so outdated compared to other phones that we might as well wait anyways.

I guess Im just going to use my back up razr until they finally release the phone this summer. I wouldnt expect it any later than that... So any moderator is more than welcome to close my thread here. It really serves no point if we know absolutely nothing about a phone we really dont even know exists anymore!!
I can't believe all the haters. This whole blunder was created by Best Buy's horrible PR department.

Having used the THUNDERBOLT since Wednesday, I can honestly say all you haters calling it the Blunderbolt, getting PO'ed at VZW, thinking this phone is flawed, and worried that they won't release it soon are absolutely insane, no offense meant.

The phone is ready, I think we'll see it on the 10th.