Droid for sale Today.

I just called the one where I pre-ordered and it's a no go until tomorrow. She did say they were just receiving them when I called.

Damn so close yet so far
I know... I might not be able to sleep tonight. I feel like a kid at Christmas... this is coming form an original as well as 3G iPhone user too.
Yeah. I'm not sure what to believe though. But, from the amount of comments to the contrary, it appears to be false. Somebody posted this:

I work at Best Buy Mobile, and this is false. We can't sell it today.

They are in stock, yes, and someone took a picture of one on top of one of our folders...

Strange news story.
Just called mine and they said no, not until tomorrow. She was kind of bitchy about it too.
Try your local walmarts. They are $11 dollars cheaper and multiple people have said that they are letting them out today if you get a person who doesn't know what they are doing (very common at walmart). So you can be out the door with a droid (2-year) for $199 AFTER tax.
Try your local walmarts. They are $11 dollars cheaper and multiple people have said that they are letting them out today if you get a person who doesn't know what they are doing (very common at walmart). So you can be out the door with a droid (2-year) for $199 AFTER tax.

I am headed there now...lol
I wonder what Verizon thinks about this. I'd like to think they're probably not too happy about it, considering the fact that I read employees were threatened with termination as a consequence for showing a customer the Droid before it's officially released. They've been told to pretend like they don't have it, and play dumb.
Yeah I called and went to one. Said NO way there would be a ?fine? not sure whether or not to believe that, but he did say he'd sell it for 99 w/o NE2.
That report was crap, I can't believe engadget put that out there! My BB actually called me to schedule a pickup time tomorrow. They're doing it with all the pre-orders. Makes sense to avoid a logjam.
My brother just called our local wal-mart (i'm out on the road traveling) and Wal-Mart said they'd sell him one right now.