Droid does?


New Member
Nov 23, 2009
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"Droid does" voice search?

So, every time I use voice search on my home screen and say "droid," google search returns "droid does." And it's not only when I say droid by itself. I just said "droid antenna" and it returned "droid does antenna." What gives? Is it just me or is anyone else having this problem?
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This same thing is happening to me, is there a way to fix it?
Quit saying Droid......lol

Search engine....go figure.
huh never noticed, oh well not a feature that i use all the time anyway.
Sounds like Blackberry's version of typing "mypin"!

Or my old iPhone replacing *****rdly for *****.

Not being racist, but it made my laugh every time.

PS: It's the "n" word, just shows that my iPhone was racist.
yes, google is just trying to remind you why you got the droid (and not the iphone)
Well, I never voiced searched "Droid" before so I had not noticed it... I guess it is supposed to be a "cute" Easter Egg. Or they are using that to try and "aid" in filtering your results so a search for "Droid Antenna" doesn't bring up results for the Antenna used on the R2D2 unit... if you know what i mean.

Not exactly "advertising" since the only people you are advertising to already own the phone, but probably a programmer trying to be "cute" It doesn't really bother me since I don't search FOR Droids FROM my Droid, but I can see why it would be annoying to some.
jaymoster has a very good point that its possible it is so star wars toys and little kids toys show up. because i have search just 'droid' then something and i never got the phone unless i typed motorola