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Droid Bionic Benchmarks with Pics and Video


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The folks at PhoneArena got their lucky hands on the Droid Bionic prior to launch at treated us to some synthetic benchmarks of the device. Most of the results aren't mind-blowing, but are solid, putting the phone on par with the Droid 3. This isn't surprising because the primary guts of the two devices are very similar. Both use the same TI OMAP 1GHz Dual-core processor, but the Bionic comes in with 1GB Ram instead of the Droid 3's 512MB. This won't make much of a difference in some of the benchmarks, but we should see an improvement in performance in many apps and games on the Bionic. Here are the benchmark scores:
  • Quadrant = between 2,098 and 2,389
  • AnTutu benchmark app = 4,993 (performance was much better here, and closer to the LG Optimus 2x and SGS2, which is more indicative of the increased RAM)
  • Ookala’s Speed Test app = 8.5Mbit/s and 2.0Mbits/s (during the morning when the LTE network was busiest) & 22Mbits/s download and 10.54Mbits/s upload (later in the day with less network saturation)
Those afternoon network speeds were very impressive! The overall impression of the phone's performance that was given was, "...the real life operation of the handset appears to be tight and responsive thus far."


It looks like the phone will be a solid and powerful addition to the Droid lineup.

Source: BionicForums.net via PhoneArena
Heh, My DX with CM7 gets 2600+ in Quadrant. Besides, does gingerbread take use of dual cores yet or no? I think IceCream does which of course isn't out yet.
pfffft! Why bother now!? It's already pretty far down the list. Guess 9 months was the Technological killer for this phone. I WAS waiting for this but, I'm not spending $300 on a phone that is "old" technology. I'm going to wait on the Prime now. Prime will have ICS and it's even more powerful that the GSII so why should anyone want the Bionic at this point!?
pfffft! Why bother now!? It's already pretty far down the list. Guess 9 months was the Technological killer for this phone. I WAS waiting for this but, I'm not spending $300 on a phone that is "old" technology. I'm going to wait on the Prime now. Prime will have ICS and it's even more powerful that the GSII so why should anyone want the Bionic at this point!?

Don't be ignorant. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean others don't. There are lots of reasons to get this phone.

For starters, it's probably the best 4G phone...or phone in general out for Verizon. It's going the lapdock, webtop, and a bunch of other accessories that make it well worth it to myself and others. We know when it's coming out (unlike the Prime). Some people are on their last legs with their D1s. I know my dumbphone is doing okay but it's breaking slowly. And if it's really "old" technology, why didn't someone put all these features together in a phone before Motorola?

You may judge the phone however you like and that's your opinion but don't you dare try to make your opinion fact.
Don't be ignorant. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean others don't. There are lots of reasons to get this phone.

For starters, it's probably the best 4G phone...or phone in general out for Verizon. It's going the lapdock, webtop, and a bunch of other accessories that make it well worth it to myself and others. We know when it's coming out (unlike the Prime). Some people are on their last legs with their D1s. I know my dumbphone is doing okay but it's breaking slowly. And if it's really "old" technology, why didn't someone put all these features together in a phone before Motorola?

You may judge the phone however you like and that's your opinion but don't you dare try to make your opinion fact.

The best 4G LTE phone for 1-2 Months at best. Fact is; It's technology and it's always changing. Fact is; the phone SHOULD have been released over 9 months ago. Can't argue those Facts!! Beyond that; it's my opinion and I am certainly entitled to it. You don't have to like it so therefore you certainly don't have to feel the need to reply and call a person Ignorant. Numbers simply don't lie IF you had done any research on this phone and the ones slated for release within the next few months; you certainly would not call me Ignorant. I've done my reading; how bout you!?
The best 4G LTE phone for 1-2 Months at best. Fact is; It's technology and it's always changing. Fact is; the phone SHOULD have been released over 9 months ago. Can't argue those Facts!! Beyond that; it's my opinion and I am certainly entitled to it. You don't have to like it so therefore you certainly don't have to feel the need to reply and call a person Ignorant. Numbers simply don't lie IF you had done any research on this phone and the ones slated for release within the next few months; you certainly would not call me Ignorant. I've done my reading; how bout you!?

Yes technology is always changing. You can say the same thing for when the Prime comes out. And really? If it should have been released 9 months ago I'm sure Moto would have done it but they didn't. They obviously felt like they needed to improve the design. We don't know what was wrong with the old Bionic but if they felt there was enough cause the change the phone, then it was probably for the best. So like I said, your opinion is still your opinion and is NOT fact so don't say it is. And you're right, I don't like your opinion but I do have the right to address it just like you addressed mine. And yes you are ignorant to the fact that people actually want this phone and that not everyone wants to wait for the Prime.

What numbers? I've done my reading and I don't see any numbers for whatever point you're trying to prove. As a matter of fact, what are you trying to prove? Why are you referencing numbers that have nothing to do what I said or what you said???

You might want to do some more research yourself....
*If the numbers you're talking about are the benmarchs then you must live with a hood over your eyes. Benchmarks may give a glimpse at peformance but they don't mean anything big. They can easily be manipulated and they don't show a phone's true performance. So like I said, what numbers are you talking about?
The best 4G LTE phone for 1-2 Months at best. Fact is; It's technology and it's always changing. Fact is; the phone SHOULD have been released over 9 months ago. Can't argue those Facts!! Beyond that; it's my opinion and I am certainly entitled to it. You don't have to like it so therefore you certainly don't have to feel the need to reply and call a person Ignorant. Numbers simply don't lie IF you had done any research on this phone and the ones slated for release within the next few months; you certainly would not call me Ignorant. I've done my reading; how bout you!?

FACT - 9 months ago the Droid Bionic hadn't even been revealed at CES 2011
FACT - the phone was originally slated for a Q2 launch
FACT - This phone would be in the same position as the Xoom if it had launched 9 months ago with a Tegra processor.
FACT - No other CONFIRMED PHONE is scheduled for release with the specs of the Droid Bionic
FACT - You don't own or operate a billion dollar corporation making cellular handsets, thus making YOUR OPINIONS null and void
FACTS - You have none making you ignorant.
Yes technology is always changing. You can say the same thing for when the Prime comes out. And really? If it should have been released 9 months ago I'm sure Moto would have done it but they didn't. They obviously felt like they needed to improve the design. We don't know what was wrong with the old Bionic but if they felt there was enough cause the change the phone, then it was probably for the best. So like I said, your opinion is still your opinion and is NOT fact so don't say it is. And you're right, I don't like your opinion but I do have the right to address it just like you addressed mine. And yes you are ignorant to the fact that people actually want this phone and that not everyone wants to wait for the Prime.

What numbers? I've done my reading and I don't see any numbers for whatever point you're trying to prove. As a matter of fact, what are you trying to prove? Why are you referencing numbers that have nothing to do what I said or what you said???

You might want to do some more research yourself....

Again, do your research because you obviously are out and about without the slightest of clues. YES! I think we already covered the the whole opinion vs fact thing. do you need a picture drawn to help YOU understand it!? It certainly seems that way. I never once claimed my opinion was factual, not once. It seems you cannot understand the numbers in the benchmarks above.... Please look they are there and they do not lie. You can plainly see that the Bionic scores lower than the Samsung GS II by a long shot. I'm completely aware that there are people who will still want and will still purchase the Bionic. You claim of ignorance was unfounded yet again.

Now before this goes further; I will no longer read or reply to this Forum post.
FACT - 9 months ago the Droid Bionic hadn't even been revealed at CES 2011
FACT - the phone was originally slated for a Q2 launch
FACT - This phone would be in the same position as the Xoom if it had launched 9 months ago with a Tegra processor.
FACT - No other CONFIRMED PHONE is scheduled for release with the specs of the Droid Bionic
FACT - You don't own or operate a billion dollar corporation making cellular handsets, thus making YOUR OPINIONS null and void
FACTS - You have none making you ignorant.

FACT!! You are incorrect!!

CES: Motorola unleashes 4G Droid Bionic - CES 2011 CNET Blogsour arguments are now invalid!
But, if we do argue anymore, we'll just close this.
But, if we do argue anymore, we'll just close this.

oh man why stop it it was entertaining :)

actually just popped in to say. the thing i gleam out of these benchmarks that i don't see anyone mentioning.

how many times has everyone heard but it has DDR2.
these benchmarks if im reading them correctly show that the ram is nothing special and actually slower than some other models. am i looking at this wrong or is the ddr2 not really an advantage as it has been mentioned to be over and over.
bionic has a locked bootloader so at this time that is all i need to know regrading it but this ddr2 thing seems to be making it around alot as a big advantage over non ddr2. so what am i missing.
lol you both are wrong.... ;-p

The "original" Bionic did come out, but they rebranded it DX2... and then in the middle of it, it came out as the D3, to tell us what the Bionic will perform like....

And now that its here, yeah, Bionic is a cool phone.... but not my $299 cool. Especially since I am able to get a D3 from local Fry's at $89, and 2 weeks ago, my bro got the DX2 for free, those where on sale, but, they seem to repeat their sales quite a bit over and overthat I've seen the last 2 months.

When the price drops, I'll get the Bionic then, its a cool phone... just not something I feel is $299 worth... But, looking out for prime, but really, if I find a good deal on the Bionic, then Bionic it'll be then :-)

I know benchies are not everything, but since I am all for rooting, and is bootloader is locked, not going to shell $299 for it, and I do want the hardware to reflect the cost.... and I myself don't care bout its fuggly blur ;-P

BTW, my own customized stock deblured-debloated-with minimum trash APK's DX2 from my bro, scores in average 2800-2950s Quadrant, bout 5050 antutu. And it was a free upgrade ;-p
pfffft! Why bother now!? It's already pretty far down the list. Guess 9 months was the Technological killer for this phone. I WAS waiting for this but, I'm not spending $300 on a phone that is "old" technology. I'm going to wait on the Prime now. Prime will have ICS and it's even more powerful that the GSII so why should anyone want the Bionic at this point!?

Cuz they want it? Right now?

Call me crazy...but sometimes....its that simple....